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Nanachi + Mitty figure https://ee.toys/OZPFMF 

Ramiris figure https://ee.toys/D0KLDL 


frieren 22 pat.mp4

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Hey congratulation on the sponsor 👍 Stark Lazing around in bed till evening 😁 Your reaction to Ubel 😂 Seem you are not quite Awake yet. Missing that it was a flashback 🤣 I read another comment somewhere else that, this is a bit of a difference between Serie and Frieren and humanity. Serie may be a living grimoire and knows all the spells. But it’s only a spell written down. Static. Frieren like to learn by herself and she did help improve Zoltraak. If you are just told how to make a spell and follow a recipe you have much less chance of improving the spell than if you truly understand and develop the spell. A bit like a cook following recipes and a chef adapting and improving the taste. Stark with the random dude just teaching him 😂 About Frieren question to Himmel why does he help people. I do it for myself. It’s not the first time we hear that I love how the characters are so self aware behind noble cause and hero he’s doing it for himself. As we do most things. After Episode I’m excited for the 2nd phase of the exam. 😁 It was a calm episode before the storm but even calm episodes are so good in Frieren. Take Care 😋