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jjk 2x20 pat.mp4

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I’ve been visiting the Anime News Network (ANN) website for years for news and reviews. Going off the reviews of JJK there as well as a lot of the discussion in the forums there’s a lot of negativity towards this season. Personally I think it’s been pretty good for the most part. One of the complaints from last week was that killing Nobara was a case of “fridging” and made the reviewer angry. When I first heard about fridging I had some sympathy over the issue although I thought it wasn’t always a clear cut problem. Now I just don’t care. Anytime a female character gets killed I hear cries of fridging and I’m over it. As far as I’m concerned a writer can kill as many bitches as they want in their story and I won’t criticise them for it. Actually the worst case of fridging I saw recently was in the last Mission Impossible movie. I seriously rolled my eyes at that one.


I went off on a bit of a tangent in my last comment. I’d been seeing a lot of negative commentary around Nobara’s “death” this past week even calling it bad writing. So it was a bit of a change watching this reaction to see someone who didn’t seem to think it was bad writing and actually thinks Nobara still being alive is a cop out.