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jujutsu 2x7 patt.mp4

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I don't remember seeing him actually dead, or did i completely miss it? It's anime, so unless we actually see his body, he's not dead.


We did see the old man with Maki and Nobara once before. He's the head of Maki/Mai's clan. We seen them in Maki's flashback, with her declaring she's leaving the clan and will return to become the leader of it, despite her lack of cursed energy. And he was all "Ill make life hard for you and your sister" So Im surprised to see her learning from him to become first grade


Also, the blond isn't Mei Mei. I can't remember her name. She's one of the assistan's, the one who drove the main trio to investigate the bridge area at the season 1 finale. Mei Mei is the badass woman with the axe and crows, who loves making money.


oh hes not teaching her nothing, thats him stepping him to try and deny her promotion. theres no good faith there, as it was stated a few times makis career has been hindered by the clan her whole life