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I’ve been waiting for these! Excited to watch later tonight.




Sonido is the Arrancars' equivalent of Flash Step, supposedly only used by Hollows, hence the surprise by Ulquiorra. Notice how the hollowfied Ichigo trashes around Ulquiorra the same way Ulquiorra did to Ichigo. First mocks his Cero just like Ulquiorra mocked Getsuga, then grabs his head as he did to Ichigo and finishes by also pinning him down for a Cero :D

Erwin Smith

To answer your question remember Orihime was mentioning that it was taking so long to heal ichigo the first time Ulquiorra punched a hole through him? She wasn't able to reject Ulquiorra's spiritual pressure as fast. Now imagine him in his second release form who shot the most powerful cero we have seen through ichigo. She had a broken ability but she cannot reject that strong of a spiritual pressure. She was able to reject what happened to that girl Melony bc she was killed by a normal cero from Grimmjow. A weakness to her ability is how strong the spiritual pressure it is she has to reject.


a correction its not that she can't reject "powerful" spiritual pressure but rather she can't reject "foreign" spiritual pressure.. Rukia & Uryu both stated that Ulquiorra's energy didn't even feel like spiritual pressure at all but something else entirely different which is why she could never heal the wounds he inflicted.