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A character reverting back to a younger form of itself due to trauma is a trope that has been explored in anime quite a few times, I'm pretty sure that's what's happening with Mei, as the Doshi said she has the same origins as the tosen, she's a part of that one god my guess is she was the original being's excess yin that became a half member unlike the other 7 that are complete. She is at least as old as they are. Still, gross.


So was the only reason they wanted mei back was so they can use her for training? Like that's supposed to convince them to hand her over.


We got two more episodes to go, i can see things getting really good. Im excited now. but im even more excited for heavenly delusion.


Ok so now some of the characters start to be able to control Tao. Well the Tensen are more experienced with Tao but we will have a fighting chance. Ok strong and weak for Tao Balance but I have no idea how to implement it. The Tensen since they are both male and female they can perform the last level of Tao training. Since those MF are only male they wanted Mei to perform the last level of Tao Training 🤢 Child Mei. I think the Tensen can fluctuate their body male and female but Mei cannot so she fluctuates child and adult insead but keeps coming back to the child since it’s her mental state.


Ok what happened in the past as I understand it. Mei is unable to transition Male Female like the other Tensen So they banned her from the palace and gave her a choice to die or be used by the male underlink. She ran away. “I’ve been seeing sides of myself that not even I knew about” – that a great way of putting it. Much better than I haven’t been myself. Ok, that's it. Thank you for the reaction. To tell the truth. This week has been good but Hell’s paradise is the anime I’m the least invested in. can’t wait for you Heavenly Delusion Reaction Take Care 😋


Those insects were saying Mei is the weakest tensei. Which is why she was given the choice of dying or being used by those bug guys We also saw that the tensei gabimaru fought was old, and when she drank the elixir she regained her youth. The more Tao that is used the older she got, and we see Mei got older when she used her Tao to save gabimaru Gabimaru got angry for Mei, because it's similar to how his wife was treated. She was scarred for trying to live a normal life, she was stuck there