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yamada 9 pat.mp4

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For me with the last episode they definitely have feelings for each other but I don’t think they are ready to admitted yet hence the hesitation. Let start I think they are doing the everyone but them know they like each other things 😁 They do take it slow in this anime. Yamada is a private person. But if you see how he react to other stranger. Their existence doesn’t even register for him so for him to do all this little thing means a lot. Runa is kind of a bratty kid but I guess she has a lot of insecurity. My reaction to the new girl. No, not a rival to Akane. But I guess it’s going to end up fine. It’s a bad idea to go out when you are that sick. I guess we are lucky now to have Uber and such for delivery. Going by bike is even worst. Yamada totally went to check on Akane. After episode Yes it was a slow episode. At the end Yamada did come check on her. So there is that. Ok Take Care 😋