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heavenly 9 pat.mp4

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Hi, I still haven't watched the episode. Just came to say hi and check in if everything was fine 🤗. You seem fine in the intro so ☺️👍


Didn't get to finish the reaction but just when we think we're getting some answers they get completely shut down by simply rubbing off a number on that guy's arm. Now i need to take a two hour drive. will finish it later ✌


I think Asura always looks like that. I do think Kona kut the other girl with the sword of light. 6 fingers 🤔Is Asura an alien like they imply with the design 🤔 So many possibilities, I know why I was born.-- Asura. That put the alien theory a bit on the backburner so it seems she was born that way for a purpose. I’m so confused by the hint in this show Whoever Killed Asura???


Ok so my theory now is Asura faked her death? It’s a bit of a wild guess but she was still talking to Kona after she hung herself. And Minihime sees her floating overhead. So if she fake her death they can’t use her anymore. 🤔 The car parking was super odd. We will know later why. The dramatic face and we are still daytime 🤣


The women's “school” may or may not be related to the current school. I think it is related since everything seems to be related and relevant in this anime but it may be a twisted offshoot of it. I think the story are based on truth, he may have add some fiction but I think it’s based on truth. The storyteller kind of smart. He hide the logo right away and got money by telling story before leaving. The Pregnancy was a shocker. I wonder if it interferes with their no face baby. Maybe Tokio baby will be normal and they can’t have that.


After episode I think there is much more to it but first like I said they control the babies and the babies have no face. So regular babies can be a problem. I have no idea who is evil and who is not in this anime. I only assumed there is something wrong with the school since they heavily hinted that way. So many question and I don’t have any answer 😁 Well thank you for the reaction Take Care 😋


My theory is everything happening at the school is in past and the kid who does the drownings is seeing his son's future. I thought of this when you said the baby could be a "messiah" or "hero."


You mean drawings right? Anyways that is actually a good theory. I can see that being the case.


I was thinking that the drawings are all the things he sees that others can’t as well as being able to see the future. Since he saw the sword of light before it struck that girl, saw the fish creature, and tokio being taken away before she will probably be taken away by Maru and kiruko. Unless you’re right and it’s happening non-linearly


Yes, I do mean the drawings. They do seem to be of things Maru has seen.