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psycho 22.mp4

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gintama isn't my thing so i would go with little women if people on youtube dont want it.


Only watch the intro. I'm conflicted about what show put in the Drama Club. The thing with Little women is its a heavy show. And I kind of want something lighter in the rotation. If there were some more lighter anime in the regular tier I wouldn't mind much something heavy in the drama club. But It seem everything beside Haikyuu is heavy. On the other hand I'm interested in viewing your reaction to Little Women, I think should should give Little Women a bit more time on YT since nobody knows it. I try to search other reactor and I couldn't find much so that why the view are low people are not aware of it. The 2nd episode had slightly better numbers than the first. Or you could go completely out of the box and react to a new show. For example "Call of The Night" 😁


Psycho Pass Finale. Not going to lie, I was so disappointed in the ending. But let's see if this reaction will make it better. Akane breaking up the fight 🤩 And it’s clever of Akane to give the Dominator to Kougami. He better than her and it will force him to paralised Makishima instead of killing him. And it’s super clever if Akane has thought of all of this when she ask to remove the safety from the Dominator.


Say Hi to Kota for me 😻 “The law doesn’t protect people, the people protect the law” I’m not sure I can agree with that. What is the use of an abusive law that don’t protect people. Well that is the end of Makishima. In the end he couldn't do anything. Couldn’t change anything.


That's what I don’t like about this ending. Even after Akane's speech about the future without Sybil she does nothing. Akane doesn’t believe that the society can survive without sibyl. So she protects the system, Like her quote earlier the people protect the law. But I strongly disagree. The system needs to crumble. And be reborn into something better. The Brain is so full of themself. And have a god complex. It seems we “wasted” a whole season to be back at the same point. I read a bit about Season 2 and it’s rinse and repeat with new cast and new enemy. So exactly the same thing as S1, just less good. The premise remains the same. I haven’t read too much into it so I might be wrong. That's why I think it’s useless to watch S2. I don’t really care anymore if they're going to end up with sybil continuing as they were. There is not much more to say Thank you for the reaction and the serie. It was good. I didn’t like the end but still a very good show. Take Care.😋


Well, I can totally understand the "tear it down & build it up better" attitude, it's what most shows would go with...difference is: Psycho-Pass is more of a dystopian setting. POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIES In one of the OVAs it's mentioned that the world has more-or-less descended into chaos, with many other countries outside Japan being in ruins. SPOILER END I see it more like the ending of "Batman: The Dark Knight" - the conclusion isn't the MORALLY RIGHT thing to do, but there aren't many better solutions if you're not willing to pay the price for correcting the wrong (here many people collapsing together with the system when it breaks down at once, in Batman people's hopes dying with Harvey's reputation) - the system is so much a part of EVERYTHING in society that there's no "clean cut" you can do to remove it, and even if you do: whatever replaces it could be just as bad or even worse (like a dictator, or some religious extremist cult, to give the people who are so used to have others think for them another voice to listen & follow) + if Japan collapses like other countries apparently did (of course you can always pull the "it's propaganda, other nations are fine"-card, but I tend to stick to what is shown in a series/tell you instead of what I would prefer; it's a dystopian setting after all), you basically only trade the flavour of sh*t you have to deal with for a different one. I for one am fine with Akane wanting to change the system from within & find a better solution to replace it; she's a reformer, not a revolutionary (just my opinion that both are valid, better not get into political discussions in the comments). _____________________________________________________________________________________ Regarding Akane's “The law doesn’t protect people, the people protect the law”: Of course there are cases where laws aren't helpful & need to be changed, but I think she goes more for "if you make laws, you have to uphold them even when it's tough, not just as long as you like it or it gives you what you want" e.g.: defined laws: - if society decided to remove death penalty from the law (like mine did), you don't just execute a criminal, even if he's the worst; just changing the rules on a whim or taking law into your own hands is what vigilantes do, not law enforcement - if someone exploits loopholes in the law or operates in grey areas, you bring it to court & have to deal with the result, even if you don't like it - you can't just punish someone who didn't break any laws or let someone go who commited a crime because "it kinda feels wrong" or "but it's my best friend" You either have rules or you don't It's not law if you go "well, hello guys, those are the rules in our country - except when I fell like saying they aren't for some reason, then it sucks to be you" - why should anyone stick to the rules if even the ones in charge of keeping it don't follow them? That's of course just my take on it, differing opinions are what makes shows like this interesting - I just don't think every show needs a "Happy Ending"