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Here it is! Yes, I know it's weird that it's the 12th episode that I'm reacting to first, but I've actually been watching this series on my own so when I saw on Youtube yesterday that people were reacting to it as well, I couldn't have been more excited. I fell in love with this show so I thought I'd start reacting to it as well. 

Let me know what you guys think about the show and if you'd be interested in more reactions to it in the comments below!


woo 1 pat rxn.mp4

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Well I'm watching episode 12 on my own right now. I haven't watch the previous ones. I'm at the 30min mark out of 1:15. I see why you love this show. It's somewhat episodic so I'm not completely loss. But there is some ongoing plot that I missed obviously. There is a lot of human involvement in those case. Well at least for this episode. It's hard to not get attached to the plaintiff and opposing counsel. Will see how it goes since the first part of the episode we didn't see much of Woo.


For the other who hesitate watching because they haven't seen the series. From the first 30 minute my first impression is people are perfectly fine starting from EP 12 and catch the rest later since it's a new case in this episode. It's would be obviously better to start from the beginning but fine non the less.


i started watching it then five minutes in i realized that it's an hour and a half long and i was like😐 nevermind😂 im currently at work and i can get away with 30min videos just not 90min. i will have to catch it later. 👍


Well I just finish watching episode 12 on my own. Before that I only knew that Woo was an autistic lawyer nothing else. EP 12 is a good episode to start watching. It's episodic. So you'll catch almost everything beside the ongoing series plot but in term of screentime it's only a small proportion of the episode. The majority of it was episodic and contain within. It did a superb job approching the morality and humanity of the case. And make us want to know more of Woo and what she will do in the future. I'm going to take a brake now and watch the reaction later. 1h15 min episode are a lot to digest.


IMPORTANT: This is a 4.6GB files. On my Chromebook I use a SD card which was formatted in FAT32. The problem with FAT32 is it's limited to 4GB files. So I had to reformat to exFAT to download the reaction. I was wondering why it kept failing. And you need to download it. On dropbox there the 1 hour limits in the original direct video view/preview.


oh man i forgot about that. okay ill upload it to google or something and make the file size smaller


Nah you don't have to. It's not dropbox the problem is fat32 which is an older filesystem that most don't used but sometimes it's the default on external SD card for backwards compatibility. So if you have problem just download into something not fat32 which should exist in most modern computers.


Ok warning people this is a very long comment . Well it was an hour and a half reaction. Usually the reactions are only 30 minutes give or take. 😋


Let go Woo [hoo]. [bad pun intended] 😋 This is going to be great. Can’t wait to watch the reaction 👍 [Comment before the show] Yes, do what you love. That's why you started this channel. You’ll get more people that have similar taste and it’s going to be fun to hang with them. 👍 Thank you for the summary. I haven’t watched the rest of the series so it was very helpful. 👍


[Starting] “What did it say I kind of missed it” It said Senior Manager. So she has an important job not just a junior that is fresh to the company. And Yes she works for an insurance company. [About the case] Yes this is a really fuck up case. It’s full on discrimination. They wanted to fire the women but came with an excuse. I hate that those shit happens 😡. Even if it wasn’t targeting women. Targeting married people instead of the single one, is a shitty company and should not be allowed if it were for me. But I don’t make the law. [About the law firm and the HR guy] “I’m going to kill you” My thought exactly. I hate those kinds of policies. That why when I saw [later in the episode] that Woo was in the opposing counsel 🤬 I cannot express how this upset me when I first saw the case.


[The woman we first met that was forced to resign] She voluntarily gave up maternity leave. Well don’t do that. The company uses you. If you have the right to maternity leave, take it. They aren’t going to treat you better if you give them time as we can clearly see it with her. They treat her like disposable shit even after she sacrifices everything for the company.


[About the murderer just out of prison] Well it’s just a crasy murderer that kill his fater [Killed the murderer’s father not anybody we know] and want revange on laywers. This person ended up being a non issue but he did scare me in the episode. That is the only purpose of this character to scare us. 😰 [in the elevator with the dude with a mask] Asians are much more used to masks than us but COVID did make us used to masks. Extremely sus but they succeed in scaring us good 😱


Yep the MIR life insurance is their client. That's why I didn’t know how to react at first. [Meeting with the MIR life insurance client HR boss dude] F* the patriarchy. It’s a culture shock. It seems like we revert to years in the past where it’s normal for women to stay at home and take care of the kids. “I hope you lose, this is the one case I hope the lawyer lose” Yep me and you both. 🤬


[We meet Ryu] I love this new plaintiff lawyer. 😍 That's why it’s such an odd episode to start but it’s still a great episode. You start the episode and you root for the adversary. The Plaintiff lawyer is good. 👍 And the generation name. She made her point and put the judge in his place. I love her. 😍. She above him 😂


[Woo saying she is not in a relationship even tho they kissed] Ok I may be way off base here since I didn’t watch the other episode and didn’t know about the relationship but one thing I read about autistic people is you have to be very specific. Don’t imply things, just say it. So if you date one, say we are a couple or involved in a relationship. Don’t just think that if you imply it the autistic person will get it. But I never met one in real life so I’m not sure how true this is.


[The lawyer scared and getting a Taser] 😂Yep make sure you know how to use the taser. If he drops it the first moment he uses it like now it’s not going to be very effective. 😂 [When the plaintiff lawyer talking the the judge] “-Ha remember” 👍😂 [Why target women] That is the question we never get an answer to why do they want women to quit. Just because they are sexist. Maybe? I understand downsizing but you don’t target women. You do like everyone does early retirement packages for those who want them by seniority regardless of sex or marital status


[The plaintiff women going the witness that give a testimony against them and crying to getter] I like that the plaintiff womens are still decent people and inquired after the one that went against them. Those are nice people that don’t deserve what is happening to them. [Woo romance] I love that you’re so giddy about Woo romance in this show. 😁


[Sketchy dude trying to get her to quit] I know you hate the dude that wants her to quit but I have no history with him since I didn’t watch the previous episode. But it’s a good strategy to show her that her lawyer firm can be shitty sometimes. So she may quit on her own. The most 🤬 thing is he is telling the truth. Last year they wrote the severement policy. When she starts to read the document out loud. 😋 Yes you have to be specific with autistic. Say she has to read it on her own. 😋 As the first episode I watch I wonder if this firm is the right one for her. 🤔


[When Woo give her first examination of the witness at the court] The reason she hides when she first cross examines the witness. Is that she is doing something she is not proud of so she hides from the women coming to see the case. Well you just said it after I wrote it and unpaused. 😋 I really don’t get it, why trying to have a baby has anything to do with it. Maybe I’m dumb. 🤔


Since it’s my first episode watching this I don’t have any attachment to Woo law firm so I kind of wanted her to go with the plaintiff lawyer. But it would be much harder and less funds/money in a small law firm that loses most of their cases. [What Ryu said to Woo when she meet her outside the courtroom] Attorneys are human. That is why I like this plaintiff lawyer. And the [Later at the end of the episode] dinner party at the end ❤ That’s why part of me wishes she would go with her. But I guess not for now. The thing with her current law firm Woo doesn’t have seniority to choose what case she is in. She is just doing what she is given so it may be shitty or may be good. I don’t know enough about the show to judge the law firm. I have never been in a law firm and I’m far from the lawyer workplace but I guess it goes with seniority. When you are senior enough and a partner in the firm you get more leeway in choosing your client. But then when you get to partner there is the money of the law firm you have to take into account. Some cases make a lot of money. I think she would be much happier in the other lawyer firm. But like I said I don’t know enough about the show base on just one episode.


[The sketchy dude going into the Woo office.] Ok the first time when he denounced the law firm and hinted that she would be better in another law firm like the plaintiff lawyer it was good. Now what he is doing is super sketchy. If it would have worked it would have put Woo in a lot of trouble. LOL you really have the sketchy dude. 😂 And you are going to hate him even more after what he’s done in Woo’s Office. 😁 That evil sending document to the opposing counsel making it seem like it’s her. Especially after she was reluctant to defend the case.


[Woo on the date where they discuss their relationship] “We are not dating yet” See you have to tell them yes we are dating explicitly. [Autistic] This conversation with if we are not dating then why.. [we protest free dolphin etc] 😦😂 Not quite the best way to put it. 🤣 come on dude just stop talking. You are not making it better. The arcade bit was funny 🤣 Yes in the end it’s a good thing they talk about it. But like every couple they should learn what they can do together that they both like. Yes, doing something where you have fun it’s important. You like her for some reason do you not. So they must be something you like doing with her. Ok I haven’t watched the other episode so that is just an example out of context. If you like her quirky geniuses, do something that shows her quickie geniuses. I have no idea what escape room or something.


[Not using the evidence sketchy dude sent (makes it seem like Woo sent it)] That is another reason I love the plaintiff lawyer. She didn’t use the evidence Woo sent because it would cause her problem. That is where you see that her speech: “you are human and choose to do what humans would do for another human being” is truthful and not just a spiel to get her to her firm. I really like this opposing lawyer. 🤣 [article 3008] criminal act and this is a civil court 🤣 She is the best. [Woo seeing the thumbs up] I like that the one that was the first witness for the MIR Life switched sides and is helping the plaintiff. Yep yep yep the plaintiff lawyer received 2 packages. And she chose the one that would not damage Woo.


[outside with all the people protesting] Anyway the news seems to have a field day with the protester. So even if they lose, public image is everything. That much protest is not good for the Life Insurance company. [The verdic] It does suck that they lose. I’m not a lawyer and unfamiliar with Korean law but it sucks. It’s not acceptable for me but I guess Korean law has a different opinion. Even without the sexism you cannot fire someone just because of their marital status and favor a single person. And nowadays a lot of couples aren't even married, at least in western culture. So if you are married one of you has to go but if you only have a boyfriend or if you are single it’s OK? No it’s not highly discriminatory.


[The idea that she might work for Ryu] Yes Yes Yes I really hope she goes into a firm that is more suited for her. [The HR Boss getting fired] At the end even the head HR boss is a scapegoat. The company doesn’t care. You are right this show is a gem. People's interaction that’s why we watch these shows and why we love them.


[After trial party] The after trial party is one more thing I love about this plaintiff lawyer ❤ [At Ryu firm] OCD and replacing all the post it 😁 I love Ryu. She didn’t use the evidence to protect Woo❤ Woo would do great here. [Last scene in the elevator.] Ok last minutes to scare us to dead 🤣 He’s just a repairman 🤣 Coughing blood is not normal. 🫤 I don’t think it’s only stress. Not normal at all. 😕


After episode. Next episode preview. I’m glad we start at this episode since we have a case. The next one looks like a vacation episode. It will have a different feel than a lawyer episode. 👍 I agree. You have to have fun on your date together; it's not going to work out otherwise. It’s a lot about finding common interests. If you have none it doesn’t bode well for the relationship. But also you don’t have to do everything together and like everything she does. So find common interests. Yea the parent comment was ass.


Yes, I so much want her to work for Ryu. This is so important in your workplace that represents you and is supportive of you. It’s not easy and more often than not we don’t have much of a choice. But at the end of the day we still do if we take the opportunity that is presented to us. Thank you for making me discover this show. I’m already in love with it. Great Show. Now I have to go back and binge watch all the episodes I missed. 😅 That was fun I want more. Take Care. 😋


The reaction is doing fantastic in view count on YT. 👍


우영우 반응 영상 최고!!❣❤


You are doing amazing on YT 10K in less than 24 hours for a new show staring in the middle of the series 🎊🎉🔥😁 😆 Aren't you glad you started to trust yourself and do what make you happy. 🤗 It will bring you great success 😋


Does anyone want to talk about the rest of the show? I just watched Episode 1. The rest in reply if you don’t want to read about episode 1 before watching.


Episode 1. It’s such a heartwarming show. I should have watched it way before when it was first mentioned in some of her reactions. Also sorry I not good with names so here goes. The sketchy dude from ep12 that wants her fired or quit. God first episode and he’s an ass. I hate him already. Probably highly biased because of Lex's opinions of him during episode 12 but still. 😁


The love interest seems like such a good person helping Woo on the first day. And I can see why he fell for her. They are so cute together. But what has been said in episode 12 remains. They have to find common interests and have dates where both of them have fun. Otherwise it cannot be sustainable long term. Maybe episode 13 will do them good, the vacation episode. The case. I was kind of leaning toward the solution from the beginning. The husband did seem to have a medical condition before she hit him. And she didn’t hit him that hard. Again what great about this show is nothing is clear cut black and white. We are dealing with humans so human emotion plays a big role. Dementia is not easy to deal with. Intent murder vs bodely harm.


I can see now that this law firm isn’t bad. In episode 12 they have a case where they were the bad guys but like they said big firms do a lot to help people they have a lot of resources. Sometimes the one they are defending is good. Sometimes they have to defend just because they were hired even if they don’t agree with the case. It only reinforced episode 12 how good and necessary this episode was since you can't always find yourself in case you agree with. In the long run I hope she can choose her case. But I don’t think it will happen soon. Too Junior for it now. The lawyer that took care of her from the beginning. My first impression is that he is a good guy after all. So this firm has positive point for me. She has colleagues that support her even if it’s not easy. But there is also the asshole. However you find one almost in any company. I hope that she learns who her friends are and who aren’t so friendly. I haven’t seen enough of the show to know if she does. That it. For Now. 😋


Episode 3 was hard to watch 😭 Episode 4 has some fun part even if the main case are far from fun. Court case are not easy. Woo friend is great. I'm glad she has someone like her in her life.