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Off topic: apparently Re Zero will be split into two parts, with the second half of the season returning on 2021 Jan. As for Hunter x Hunter, it's a phenomenal series but it's big workload if you're occupied by several other shows and usually needs multiple uploads at a time to get through. But regardless I'm excited for it :)


Man I don't know what to believe..Meliodas and Elizabeth are definitely soul mates but the fact she only ever falls in love with him without any prior memories for 3000 years does sound odd


...and again the Gods can play the heros in shining armor & all the humans fall for them, because they're so desperate & the angels are so shiny. And Merlin conned the 2 single most powerful beings into giving her, the genius with infinite power, even stronger abilities, then let her homecity die...sucks for all the wizards there but - well played Merlin, well played. EDIT: Food Porn IS a serious anime!!! It has serious fanservice XP But jokes aside: the proper response is whatever you feel like when first watching it, that's it^^


Meliodas needs to become the Demon King and ditch Liz. She only makes him weak and unaware as his dad stated. Its clearly obvious. If i was him, ultimate power or LoVe is an easy choice. Too many women out there to be strung up on one. P.s. Derieri is better looking than Elizabeth so he should just become King and make her his girl.