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Raul Iggynashow

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! They NUKED NUNNALLY!!! That's messed up in so many levels. Who thought this to themselves the first time they saw this episode.

Raul Iggynashow

Fans have a love-hate relationship with Code Geass. We love that the writing is so good. But we hate that the pure of heart characters like Euphy, Shirley and Nunnally were all eliminated. That's how dark this anime is. To make it worse and more infuriating, characters we hate like Nina, Rolo and Diethard have stuck around.

Raul Iggynashow

If the Black Knights showed they were going to attack Tokyo then Brittania would have evacuated parts of the city. But Lelouch launched a sneak attack and cut off the power. That made for no time to evacuate and disabled public transportation like the trains. Because of this the casualties from the nuke will be super high.


"We didn't even really see the blast" We didn't need to. We saw the beginning of the blast, with the Tokyo Imperial Palace getting VAPORIZED. And we see the results of the blast. That crater that Lelouch is floating over in the end? THAT'S THE ENTIRE TOKYO SETTLEMENT. It's GONE. Millions of lives, atomized in an instant. Not even ashes left.


Also, the universe continues to kick Lelouch in the balls. Few swings previously, with the Emperor recovering from being trapped and therefore a danger to Nunnally, and then Suzaku's apparent "betrayal". And now, that "betrayal" led Lelouch to not trust Suzaku, causing him to disregard the warning of the F.L.E.I.J.A, and Lelouch's own Geass command caused him to use it, resulting in the death of Nunnally, the reason Lelouch was doing all this in the first place. The kicks just keep coming.

Matthew B

An IFF (short for identification friend or foe) signal is just a friendly unit code so that military units don't hit their own.

Raul Iggynashow

If you're looking for symmetry, when the nuke detonated it managed to break both Lelouch and Suzaku at the same time. Lelouch lost Nunnally, his reason for living and trying to conquer the world so he's completely broken. Suzaku wanted to die with his convictions intact rather than kill his own people but the Geass forced him to fire the FLEIJA killing millions so he also completely broken.


The moment the FLEIJA was fired Schneizel smiled (something we don't see often) knowing that his own sister and millions of people would be killed by it. Since he knew Lelouch is Zero, he is probably speculating on this destroying Lelouch emotionally

Raul Iggynashow

It wasn't that long ago the question was who would Lelouch end up with? Shirley, C2 or Kallen? Well Shirley is dead, C2 lost her memories so Kallen is right now the best choice for Lelouch if he ends up with somebody. That got me thinking what if Lelouch & Kallen had a baby. I can see their child inheriting Lulu's superior intellect. Kallen is basically a female version of Suzaku. Remember when she was in that bunny costume and flipped upside down to do a kick. Well I can see their child inheriting Kallen's piloting skills and superior physical abilities. So I guess if Lelouch & Kallen had a baby, best case the result would be like Xing-ke, blessed twice by the heavens with both intellectual and physical abilities.


He's also more or less impressed Suzaku actually fired it, without knowing he was forced to due to the Geass, and he finds this amusing since victory was achieved


Been saying it since season 1 man, every action has consequences in Code Geass, especially for Lelouch


Man just imagine dedicating your entire life trying to be selfless and saving as many lives as you can in a nonlethal way, only to be literally forced into firing a nuke killing millions of people...


Oh, Schneizel is one of the most complex characters in the show and it really depends on the audiences' interpretation to understand him, I can't say I understand him 100% even till today


Great reaction. I feel you. The episode was so intense that it was sometimes difficult to keep up. Do you know when you will be reacting to episode 19?


Just a small note. They said Rolo is going to steal a Knightmare to go out and secure the way to get Nunnally out safely.


glad you're feeling better :) I guess I can understand that it sucks if your opinion is just brushed aside while you actually listen to your friends' recommendations...did they ever say anything on WHY they disregards them so often? Did they at least try 1 or 2 out at the beginning or just ignored it right out the gate? Just thought at first that Promised Neverland and Digimon are...a bit different? but still at least could try it out & tell you why they didn't like it... Want to believe Nunnally somehow made it out with Sayako, but that blast radius was HUGE, so... & C.C. may have WANTED to help, but with her not even knowing what a TV is, I can't think of much she could...