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Second Prince Schneizel enters... Why do I hear boss music playing


This is what makes the Emperor so interesting, even when he was apparently informed that his authority is being challenged, the man practices Darwinism to the core he wouldn't mind having his throne taken if someone is stronger than him.


you may have missed it but the second prince name is Schneizel and he is the one who gave the order to launch missiles at zero. The reason that the sub viceroy could not cancel the command is that Schneizel is the highest-ranking person in the empire besides the emperor and his official title is Prime Minister. that question on why he blocked the missiles and then attacked with his Lazer cannon thingy will be answered in a future episode.


Fun fact: It was mentioned briefly earlier this season that Lelouch learned chess from Prince Schneizel, and be careful not to tell things ahead if she can find out in future episodes.


additionally, he stated the person who kills him will be the next emperor. As long there are from royalty.


@AwakeProduction You got it close. The Britannians wanted to show the public that the Japanese people can rise up in their system like Suzaku becoming a royal knight, there is no need for a rebellion to make changes. As for what happens if Euphemia was killed by the bombing, Cornelia would most certainly shred everyone who was involved with the order into pieces, even if it's her siblings.

Tyrone Tyrone

Your reaction to the 2nd Prince was priceless🤣 And his name is Schneizel😖

Tyrone Tyrone

I'm so slow, I've just noticed Puck in the background looking out for you😆


Careful not to tell things ahead if she can find out in future episodes.


!!!NO GAME NO LIFE!!! The shirt is really nice...but not as adorable as your excitement about it 🤗 Well, the only one Suzaku TOLD about it was Lelouche, yes....but even with the suspicious timing (right after Lelouche found out) there were several adult witnesses at the time who backed his story up, so the information could have leaked from any of those... Again, a situation with no good options, either kill Suzaku, manipulate him with his knowledge of his past, use Geass on him to force him into fighting on his side (basically enslaving him as I see it) or give up on the fight - because sooner or later, they'll HAVE to get past Suzaku to win...I think it's shitty, but on the other hand can't come up with anything better


Has anybody else the loading issue with mega? It interups the stream every 5 or 6 minutes


Ya but what I said did not spoil anything everything I stated was stated in past episodes or in this one is was just kinda hard to catch. But ya we all need to be carefully not to spoil


"He was fuckin' her. NO I'M KIDDING" I found that especially amusing because you basically said it at the same time some random Britannian did, and didn't seem to realize it. "A Princess has needs" indeed.


Also, about the talk between Nina and Lloyd: he isn't humoring her, and he is very interested in what she is actually working on. It should be concerning, if you follow what she says. She mentions many things, but it basically boils down to splitting atoms of uranium. Specifically, an isotope of uranium, U-235. Anyone familiar with OUR world's history should be seeing red flags with that :P


I don’t know what she was talking about cuz I don’t know much about history. Is that what is used when creating a nuclear bomb?


Bingo. She's literally on the verge of discovering and proving the principles of nuclear fission, all by herself. With that both nuclear fission reactors/nuclear energy, which then of course means nuclear bombs. (Really, the only difference between a reactor/generator and a bomb of any type is how fast it releases the energy it creates.) She's a weirdo, but she's goddamned brilliant when it comes to scientific work. THAT'S what caught Lloyd's eye. This also highlights an interesting contrast to our own world; the current year in the Code Geass world is (IIRC) roughly around our current day, or not too far into the future. The reason they haven't discovered nuclear energy yet is because they discovered Sakuradite first. Sakuradite was an amazing energy source, and the current wars all stem from the initial wars that came about as a result of people trying to gain control over Sakuradite resources. With the new energy source, and the different way the wars went, nuclear energy was just never discovered.


Either the 2nd prince decided that there were not enough missiles at that point and decided to make sure with the hardron cannon, all missiles were destroyed or he just decided to field test the hardron cannon.


"What if the order is to kill every Japanese person you see!?" ME: ... ... ... aaaaaaaahhhh I am not sure if I should be shocked or amazed...