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I think Tanya's meant to exit the battle naturally as she was falling. She could not run away after told to delay the enemy, because that would be breaking the rules. She was hiding the bread under the table, as other kids fought each other for food. Little kids can be in the military too, if they can use magic to enhance their physical abilities to adult levels. You should refer Tanya as "she" because it is a new life for her. The photo shoot at the end could be the first time Tanya and Viktoriya/Visha met.


Tanya is like a psychopath. Highly intelligent, no empathy, manipulative, self-centered, etc. At least she doesn't break rules, but not because she likes to follow them.


Since you are so goody-goody, if you met Tanya in real life, you could kill her with kindness. She is very huggable.


With the recommendation from First Lieutenant Schwarzkopf and Tanya Degurechaff Viktoriya was sent to OCS and went through an accelerated program. After graduating from OCS she was assigned to be Tanya's adjutant because of their familiarity and gender. (That was after Tanya got the Medail, so she is Tanyas Adjutant now at the End of the Episode)


Yeah if you want a very detailed Reading of Tanyas Personality, you need to take in the Informations from the Light Novel too. ( Sry for the Long Text, but that is thx to her Charakter, that there is so much to read about it) Personality Tanya is a very complex character. In her past life, Tanya described herself as someone with many complexes and that his person is twisted. She both has superiority and inferiority complexes, which is shown by how she compared herself to real geniuses she couldn't compete with, while also desired to be above others. Sociopath Tanya has a lot of sociopath traits; cold, calculating and often sees others as objects she can use to her advantage. It allowed her to rise rapidly through the ranks of her careers in both lives. Tanya places her faith in numbers, following the Chicago School of Economy, which states that everything has a price. This could be seen from how effectively she picks and raises her subordinates to be a valuable human resource she could use. This also allows her to become a very efficient commander as she is both a decisive strategist and cunning tactician that is not hindered by her emotions. Tanya also sees herself as a profitable human resource, doing everything to raise her value in the eyes of her superiors, which drives her to put up a front of the perfect soldier since her recruitment. This impressed and also unnerved her comrades, in particular, Erich von Rerugen, who considers her a psychopath for her ruthlessness. Sometimes, this trait also becomes a disadvantage to her, in particular, her lack of empathy that disables her from putting herself in other people's shoes. In particular, her lack of insight of possibility that the people she offended by her callous dismissals would take revenge on her. Libertarian She is also a libertarian, as it could be seen from her monologue about freedom of will and goal for a comfortable life in the rear. Something she had sought in previous life, too. This trait of personality is also the source of her frustration on how Imperial Army treats their soldiers, in which mission is an absolute and she couldn't disobey even suicide missions. It's also why Tanya loathes Being-X for disrespecting her freedom and intending to convert her even against her will. Paragon Due to her faith in signaling theory, Tanya dons a mask of the perfect soldier. On the surface, Tanya is every bit what an Imperial soldier should strive to be. A harsh disciplinarian that still cares about the lives and safety of her troops. A stupendously powerful and brutal warrior that still adheres to international laws. A person with a sharp tactical mind, unflinching courage and unquestionable loyalty to her country. An officer that nevertheless remains humble and respectful to even non-commissioned officers. A devout believer in religion who often calls upon God to bless her country. All of these would make her an inspirational figure, the fact that she is a young girl only makes the adults around her vow to work harder. Tanya has an iron-clad belief in her ideology and methodology, which is also why she is oblivious of the fact that what she did in her previous life didn't give the same result in her current career and timeline. More often than not, she has assumed other soldiers would share her mindset such as refusing to apply for a dangerous assignment, leading her to a series of failures in achieving her goal. While she did notice she didn't get the results she wanted, Tanya stubbornly believed her method wasn't the reason. Differences of her Personality in the Anime Version Though the anime follows closely to the original source, it markedly highlights the brutal and cruel side of Tanya's character. This could be seen from a number of differences in her monologue and action. In the first episode, Tanya purposely arranged the death of two insubordinate soldiers under her, while in the original source they were simply taken off of her platoon to prevent discord. She also behaves colder and distant towards Visha; as opposed to being delighted by her help during the recruitment period of the new mage battalion, she wishes she could have left Visha in the Rhine instead.

James Hardin

In my opinion, knowing all the history doesn't really matter that much. They use real-world history as a starting point for the story, but the core of the story is Tanya and the situations she finds herself in.


I don't think the military stuff is necessary it's always better to know more but it's somewhat irrelevant even tho it seems inspired from what we know in history

Tyrone Tyrone

Yes, you're taking the all the military stuff too literally. She's no longer in our world and the countries and war are not the same they're just similar, so looking up World War One doesn't matter. This was a GREAT react...great! Stopping and making sure you got all the points and funny parts.

Tyrone Tyrone

And now that you know about what Being X wants her to do you will notice she has to do something else too. She did it in episode one.


Well, sure Tanya was an asshole in the previous life, but not a killer, rapist or other kind of criminal... soooo...if you are a jerk-boss....you deserve to be pushed in front of a train? That's....a bit harsh? Wonder how many people would be left standing if we applied that standard in real life... 😅 I could post pages on my opinion about Tanya, her view on god/ religion, defiance & religion in general, but neither the right place nor the audience to pull the pin on that grenade^^


holy cow, didn't know that. Thanks for the write-up!


theres an overlord poster in the episode lol


many similarities, mostly in terms of weaponry & tactics used though (- the magic part of course, more the trenches, artillery, guns, technology etc.)


Your Question about the Small Operation Orb she uses is, that this is the Standard Type for mages in the Empire (Its called the Type 13 Standard Operation Orb). The One she had in EP1, you will get your Answers in Episode 3 ( i will also give you more Details then) But, here is another interesting Fact about those Orbs: In Tanya's era, an operation orb was more expensive than a Flagship, Tank or Aircraft. In short, normal orbs cost as much as the most powerful weapons. Not much has been revealed about the inner working of Operation orb, but the orb's main function is to process the world data and convert mana for the mage who uses it.


Hey there, knowing the historical WW1 background is not really required, it's maybe just a nice addition. But if you are interested, i can recommend WW1 - Oversimplified. The Oversimplified videos are actually super fun and interesting to watch. Plus it only has 2 parts (6-7 min per part).


Sorry to drop a reality check on you but if you miss work and refuse to improve then you are getting fired end of discussion... You can't really blame the boss at that point was your own bloody fault for not doing your goddamn job... The rules exist for a reason and if you break them then what reason do they have to employ you? If you don't do your job you are jut wasting space and money! Or do you think companies pay you for doing nothing? This guy was clearly given a warning possibly multiple bu he could not improve thus they got rid of him...


And the dude as only the messenger, not even the guy who decided that he will be fired, as he's a middle-manager at best