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I love how they did Ban’s backstory because it was little different than the trope where the mentor or father/mother figure always die, but it still get you in the feels.


To think Elizabeth/Liz has the same voice actress as Aqua from Konosuba..


You're overthinking it again with the schedule, I think we're not THAT bad....or are we? 🤔 Anyway, just add a "no warranty"-clause and you're good to go! 👍 We won't be mad at you because you're not interested in <<< every setting they could use for an anime >>> I like "the devil is a part timer", even though I never worked (or was interrested in working) at a fastfood-restaurant 😜 EDIT: On a sidenote to how taking away Meliodas' emotions would turn him into a psychopath & make the matter worse; interestingly enough psychopaths - even if they are not nice people - aren't necessarily more violent, more likely to be charming on the surface & manipulative as far as I know; the difference between psychopaths in jail & sucessfull ones (managers, scientists, physicians and even psychiatrist) seems to be mainly if they have poor impulse control or not.


About Tanya, well i don't think you have to be interested in a certain topic that an Anime revolves around to like it. I mean you said that you don't know much about MMO's and you watched Overlord, and i think its not the point that Overlord is about MMORPG mechanics that you didn't enjoyed it, but because its so dark and cruel at times. Its not about taking his emotions away to take his sense of justice or something like that away, its about taking his emotions away so that he wont go out of controll with his power. Imagine Elizabeth and the others are around him in a fight and Elizabeth would die or hurt and he gets out of controll, he could kill or hurt everybody around him. For example in S1 when Vivian took away Elizabeth, Meliodas got really mad, imagine that with him being at Full Power... just a little thing must go wrong that makes him mad and it could turn out maybe not killing but hurting others around him. Also Zaneri migh be a bit over protective when it comes to Meliodas, thats not because she doesn't trust him or doesn't wants to motivate him, but because she knows what Meliodas goes through. She knows how much Meliodas loved Liz and how hard the Trial is for Meliodas, and since the trial could've killed or mentally destroyed Meliodas she wanted to protect him from that fate. And she wanted to prevent that from happening, because she really liked Meliodas and don't want to see him hurt.


I never said she wanted to take away his sense of justice. I just don’t think she really thought through what taking his emotions would do to him. It would essentially make him less human. I don’t think he would be as good of a person without his emotions. He wouldn’t care if people got hurt or were about to get hurt. He wouldn’t feel anything. So why would he fight to protect? Why would he help? Just because they asked?


On the psychopath thing, that’s Interesting. I didn’t think to look up successful psychopaths. But yes some probably aren’t killers. They can control themselves. Yet as Ishtar stated, meliodas doesn’t seem to have great impulse control with his emotions, so do you think without them he WOULD have great impulse control?


I forgot how damn sad episode 9 was. Holy shit I cried right along with you when watching this.


Also there was literally no reason to dislike the girl giving Meliodas the trial. She doesn't have the power to get rid of peoples emotions. She can just give the trial. All she's doing is being honest. If you don't like straightforward personalities then that's fine, but at the very least just realize that that's how she is. She's just doing her job and being honest. Your interpreting it as her trying to be rude and trying to actually get rid of his emotions.