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As always i love your reactions


Some people just act like jackasses when you don't like what they like. It's like a superiority complex. They put you down because they have nothing better to say.


Unfortunately season 3 (or 4) currently airing has been very disappointing with the drop in animation quality.


There were 4 episodes of this show released between seasons 1 and 2 and Netflix listed those episodes as season 2 when they came out and that's where the confusion comes from, since those episodes aren't actually season 2. Those 4 episodes take place after the defeat of Hendrickson but before the Sins and Elizabeth left the holy kingdom at the very end of the last episode of season 1. The new animation studio took over for season 3 of the show. So, all together there are three seasons, a four episode mini-season, a movie, and a few OVAs.


Honestly if you dropped the show after the second season I don't think too many people will mind, it's just done so poorly with the new animation studio, I gave the first few episodes of season 3 a chance and then just stopped watching it.


AwakeProductions You missed a little bit of stuff by not watching the 4 episodes collectively called the Signs of Holy War, which takes place between seasons 1 and 2. Hendrickson survived season 1 and was basically just a bunch of body parts scattered and launched all over the countryside by Meliodas's attack in their final battle. He survived, literally pulled all his pieces back together, and then proceeded to open the seal on the demon clan, which is what he was trying to do with Elizabeth's blood and Meliodas's sword hilt last season.


Oh yeah also what you asked, Fairies bodies don't break down after they die, Helbram's body was on the blackmarket for hundreds of years after he died that's how Hendrickson got a hold of that so that's why Elaine's body is still like that. King lost his memories after he got attacked from that human and then fell off a cliff into a river. Diane lost her memories after King killed Helbram, he took her memories of them together away from her when he shot that flower into her neck since he couldn't keep the promise of coming back to her since he wanted to be punished for letting his best friend suffer killing humans for 500 years.


🥱 🥱 Predictable anime. Watch next season too.


Yes! Thank you for explaining that about the bodies. I was so confused. Ah yea I forgot about the flower thing. Thank you!!!!!


as far as some people commented the original studio outsorced the animation to another, smaller studio that, in turn, outsourced the animation AGAIN to yet another studio


Wellll....Youtube never was exactly known for it's considerate audience or civil discussion culture, even if you ignore the kinda large amount of trolls that just fan the flames for shits & giggles (not that ALL are like that, but the small crowd of structured, thought-out replies often gets dogpiled by haters who don't want you to disturb their circlejerk about the in their eyes BEST/WORST SHOW EVA)


I gotta say that you're probably the best reactor I've seen for this show in particular, and I watch a lot of reactors haha. You get invested in the romance/ships and you sympathize with Gowther's naivete, it's great. You seem like a kind and emotionally open person which is partly why your reactions are so good, but it probably makes inconsiderate people much harder to deal with. Don't worry about the people making fun of that emotional openness, it's usually out of insecurity on their part -- I'm a big military guy and often times I'm teary eyed along with you when watching. I know you can't perfectly ignore the inevitable negative people in comments and such, but it's clear you genuinely like the show and many of us (like me) genuinely enjoy your reactions to it. Try your best just to have fun with it all, there's a lot of people here wishing you the best and that are thankful to you for everything you give them on here. Honestly I wish I could help you more but alas, I'll remain a fan cheering you on in the background haha. Also be warned that season 3 does indeed have bad animation and annoying censorship, but the storytelling is still good and I think you might still enjoy it if you can look past the bad parts. I'd try it out, but I wouldn't blame you if you dropped it at season 3. If you do drop it, I suggest reading the manga since like I said the storytelling is still very good.

Killua X

I know this is pretty old and idk if you'll see this comment but your reactions are amazing. There's plenty of anime reactors out there and I picked you to follow and Patron for a reason. I'm just now going through all your SDS reactions as I wait for HxH [I'll probably be done in a week or less :'( ] but anyway, are you planning to react to Season 4? or whatever the latest season of SDS is that dropped this year?