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solo 9 pat.mp4

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i actually forgot how much full recovery saved him early on this is like the 3rd time. looking back Kang would've been an excellent mentor for Jin given their combat style is the same


I'm sure your up to assembling your PC. Here a quick guide that cover the basics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CpQsFqgirI The only thing is most of the guide glance over the thermal paste so maybe check out another video to get the proper thermal paste application.


Get yourself an iFixit toolkit for building your PC as it has all the right tools. Make sure to electrically ground yourself as well when building your new PC so you don't potentially shock the components. There are wristbands you can buy which can help this. Main thing is to take your time. Do the power supply and motherboard first with cooling fans inside your case (i'd get enough to create good airflow to take air in and pump it out), then CPU with a thermal paste and fan/cooling. I'd then move onto, putting in RAM, graphics card, sound card (unless one is integrated into the motherboard) and hard drive/SSD. As for Windows you should be able to install it from USB stick and run it from boot (usually pressing F8 or F12 on keyboard)