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Hallowed be he, most holy of men. Son of Lemek, line of Abel,

He lived back when the Earth was flat, vast, and the stars above were closer.

He had escaped his cousins for centuries, Tubal-Kain, line of Kain.

Those being the ones who worshipped not the Lord, but creatures of the place of insterstellar darkness. 

They had crowned themselves, putting themselves as rulers of the east, where Noah lived.

Back when the earth was flat, humans were hunted by these creatures, these entities stronger than any human wished to be.

The humans not following Noah, followed Tubal-Kain and his worship of these 'Vasals'.

Many places of worship were built to these entities, that Tubal-Kain and his ilk believed to be the true Gods.

Yet Noah, the hallowed, he worshipped the true God, who resided high above, and the ones that lived up north, beyond the great white peaks of Vitkulla.

Where these sons and daughters of the Lord lived in a great hallowed green land.

In a great city inbetween seasons, where all was well."

Thats part of it. Above, you can see the Dall-E watermark. I am very impressed with it (Dall-E that is). I might do some edits to it, the carvings and the text itself.

Hope you enjoyed, take care ^^



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