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So I felt it would be appropiate to give a timeline/roadmap as of now, when I know more. 

So, as mentioned before, this update and v0.7 will be lore heavy. Up untill now, I have just been lubing you up. v0.6 and v0.7 is putting in the tip, and v0.8 onward we will be going hard all the way to the climax and the end of our story.

That doesn't mean, of course, that there will be no erotica lol. There are many animations (Too many probably).

For the alpha, I have six scenes left to make before I can make a release.

For the final release of v0.6, I will also make sure to have a proper animuh intro to my schizopost we have come to love. And also proper Ark introductions. My idea is to have atleast one Mr Vain infographic play after each Ark introduction. As you may recall, this update starts Ark II: Operator and Doll.

Just felt I wanted to give you guys and gals a heads up what to expect. So tommmmmmmorrowwwwwwww, I will post a preview for one of these pieces of lore for +3 Patreons.

Its prose, and I had to use an AI to rewrite some sentences so they sounded "Biblical" or "High Fantazy".

Thats all for now, take care ^^



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