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Patreon is pushing a new subscription model where people are billed each month on the day they started supporting a creator, rather than on day one and then at the start of each month going forward.

It's similar to how dA has their subscription system set up, which isn't the best because it makes it difficult to predict how much money I'll have coming in when, but I don't know how the people supporting me feel about it.

And I don't know how those of you here would feel about me switching to the 'Monthly from day one' model on Patreon. So I'm inviting any and all feedback about making this switch. According to the Patreon site the switch is permanent, so if I go through with it that's it. No going back.

I'll wait a couple days for feedback, so if you have an opinion one way or another now is the time to tell me.


Copper Knyght

Whatever is easier for you. I already plan around the Patreon monthly charge system.