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Kidmo Patreon Reward 2020 10
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/dDyxy
Discount Code : 15kuvvx

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/TWXmfyu.jpg

안녕하세요 kidmo입니다!
이번달은 최대한 배포일을 맞춰보려고했는데 계속 늦어지네요.. 죄송합니다 ㅠㅠㅠ
15일까지 맞춰보려고했는데 애니메이터와 사운드쪽 대부분 외국인분이다보니
피치못할사정으로 일을 할수없는상태이거나 새로구하기가 너무 빡세서 딜레이가 됬습니다..
자꾸 변명만하게되서 너무나서 죄송합니다. 아마 다음달은 다시 12월1일결제를 패스하고 1월1일결제후 배포로 돌릴것같습니다
이번달은 너무 부실한상태로 배포된느낌이라 마음한켠이 자꾸만 찔리네요..
앞으론 다시 사이클을 맞춰 최대한 완벽하고 좋은 작업물들로 보답드리도록 노력하겠습니다 항상 감사드립니다!

Hello everyone, it's Kidmo!
I tried to meet the scheduled release but instead it was delays one after another...
I'm so sorry everyone ;3;
As most of the animators and sound work artists are foreigners, we were in a extreme situation where they couldn't possibly work or was very difficult and time consuming to hire a replacement..
I'm sorry for this continuous excuses, I'm so sorry.
I'll probably be skipping the December 1st payments and then resume our schedule at January 1st release.
I feel very guilty as I feel I was very lacking this month..
I'll try my best to come back to our regular schedule and perfect my works again! As always, thank you so much, everyone!
Published: 2020-11
안녕하세요 kidmo입니다!
드디어 배포를 하게되네요 ㅠㅠ 너무 늦어져서 죄송합니다...
작품이 욕심나다보니 하나씩 더한다는게 너무 오래걸려버렸네요..
그런데도 격려해주시고 기다려주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다 T^T
이번엔 한번 여러가지 스타일을 더 넣어보았는데 확실히 만화컷은 아직 어렵네요;
그래도 최대한 완벽하도록 가져와 봤습니다!
모든페이지가 애니메이팅되어 사운드까지 다 작업했습니다 ㅎㅎ
중간에 움짤이 있지만 감상에 지장이 가지않도록 사이사이 webp는 하이라이트만 넣었고
따로 다 보실수있도록 풀버전과 파츠까지 따로 나눠서 저장해뒀습니닷
완벽하게 한다고 해놓고 시간을 너무 잡아먹었네요 ㅠㅠ 마음에 드시길 바랍니닷!
다음달은 10월1일결제를 넘기고 한달반동안 열씨미 작업해 준비후,
11월 1일날 결제후 4일배포식으로 다시 배포일을 원래대로 돌아오도록 할것같습니다
항상 감사드리며 다음달도 최대한 노력해서 좋은 작품들로 보답드리겠습니다! 감사합니다!

Kidmo Patreon Reward 2020 08
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/mejTN
Discount Code : wn2vgqb

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/TWXmfyu.jpg

Hello everyone, it's Kidmo! 
Finally, I get to distribute ;3; I'm so sorry for being late... 
I became greedy from adding just one more scene again and again... 
But even though I was late, you guys encouraged me and waited patiently, thank you so much ;3; 
This time, I tried to do different styles together but manga work is still quite difficult;
Still I tried my best to perfect everything! 
All of the pages are animated with sound work fufu
There are animations in between but I made sure there will be no problem by having webp highlights and made all of them available to be seen separately as the full version and the parts.
I said I would be perfecting everything but it took way too much time ;3; I hope you guys like it! 
Next month, October 1st payment will be skipped. I'll be preparing November work for one and a half a month and release it back on the normal schedule of November 4th after the payment period on November 1st. 
As always, thank you so much, everyone! I'll try my best to return with satisfying work! Thank you!
Published: 2020-09
안녕하세요 kidmo입니다ㅎㅎ
드디어 7월달보상을 업로드하네요ㅠㅠ
입이 열개라도 할말이 없습니다 죄송합니다 ;ㅅ;
손목부상에 작업양에.. 생각없이 막하다보니 늦어지게됬네요..
그럼에도 믿고 기다려주신 후원자여러분들께 너무나도 감사드립니다!
이번에 새로운 시도도 해보고 여러가지 추가해봤는데 어떠실지 잘모르겠습니다
한번 반응이 좋으면 이런느낌으로도 몇번 더 그려볼 계획입니다!
중간중간 움짤을 삽화해서 조금의 버벅거림은있지만 최대한 최적화해봤습니다
완벽하게 해본다고 해봤는데 항상 부족하고 민폐만 끼쳐드리네요 ㅠㅠ
조금씩 적응해가면서 더 좋은그림들로 보답드리노록 노력하겠습니다
항상 감사드리며 다음달도 잘부탁드리겠습니다! 감사합니다ㅎㅎ

Kidmo Patreon Reward 2020 07
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/NWEXq
Discount Code : 95osyi0

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/TWXmfyu.jpg

Hello everyone, it's Kidmo fufu
Finally, I can distribute the July works ;3;
I'm so so sorry everyone ;3;
My wrist.. and the volume of work that I did keep adding on to the delays...
But thank you so much, everyone, for trusting us to deliver!
This time I've tried and added new things and I'm not quite sure how
you guys would take it. If I get great feedback, I might try this few more times!
Few scenes were rigged to be animated that are a bit off but we tried to optimize as much as we can.
We've tried to perfect things but it seems that we're always lacking somewhere ;3;
We'll try to better our selves bit by bit and do out best to provide better content in the future.
As always, thank you so much, everyone, and let's see you guys next month! Thank you fufu
Published: 2020-08
안녕하세요 Kidmo입니다!
간호사가 하나로는 조금아쉬워서 두개이어서그렸는데 반응이 나쁘지않은것 같아서 다행입니다 ㅎㅎ
사실 이번달은 몸이 안좋아서 조금 작업이 쳐졌는데 다들 응원해주셔서 너무 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ
자꾸 몸살이 도져서 이번에는 종합검진좀 한번 받아보려구요
그래도 아픈것과 작업은 별개이므로 비타민 챙겨먹으면서 열씨미 달려보겠습니다!
이번달도 항상 감사드리며 피드백은 언제나 환영입니닷

Kidmo Patreon Reward 2019 11
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/oenxn
Discount Code : id0143a

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/TWXmfyu.jpg

Hello everyone, it's Kidmo!
I was sorry to draw only one nurse, so I drew two, but I'm glad it wasn't too bad. Haha
In fact, I've had a hard time this month because I'm not feeling well. Thank you for supporting me though. T^T
I'm going to have a general checkup this time because I keep getting sick.
But pain and work are different, so I will take vitamins and work hard!
As always, thank you for supporting me this month, and feed backs are always welcomed!
Published: 2019-12
안녕하세요 Kidmo입니다!
이번달 애니메이터가 한분 모자라서 어떻게 되나했는데 다행히도 잘해결됬네요 ㅎㅎ
아이러니하게 덕분에 이번에는 JK 버전이 두종류입니다 ㅋㅋㅋ 테스트로 새로운 두분에게 같은걸 드렸더니 두분다 문제없이 잘하셧네요
앞으로는 애니메이터분들이 많아져서 가능하다면 더욱더 좋은 퀄리티와 양으로 보답할수있을것같습니다
연말인데다 바빠서 너무 부랴부랴 끝낸 경향이 있긴하지만 잘 풀려서 너무 다행이네요
그럼 지난한해 정말 감사드리며 올해도 다들 새해복 많이받으세요!

Kidmo Patreon Reward 2019 12
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/WLceZ
Discount Code : j62r929

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/TWXmfyu.jpg

Greeting! This is Kidmo!
I was starting to get a little worried because one of the animators I've been working with has quit. but fortunately everything worked out in the end. Haha
Ironically there are two versions of the JK versions. I gave the PSD files to the new animators and they both managed to produce excellent animations without any troubles. 
I hope we will get a lot more animators in the day to come so I can promise you all quality animation works in the futrue. 
I know I rushed my works a little due to the end of the years and all but I'm so glad that it all worked out at the end. 
Last but not least, I just want to thank you all for your support throughout last year. And Happy New Years everyone!

사운드 에디터가 바빠서 전부 완성되지 않았습니다..
MP4 몇개의 사운드는 몇시간안에 업데이트 될 예정입니다. T^T 죄송합니다.
The sound editor is busy and not all finished.
Some MP4 sounds will be updated in a few hours. T^T Sorry.
Published: 2020-01
Kidmo Patreon Reward 2021 02
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/YKJNi
Discount Code : wv6r9wk

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/TWXmfyu.jpg

안녕하세요 kidmo입니다!
최대한 완벽하게 해보려고 하는데 자꾸만 잘 안되네요..
맘속으로는 실수없이 하고싶은데 매번 변명만 하는것같아서 죄송합니다..ㅠㅠ
오랜만에 배포하는데 제대로 다 못채운것같아서 죄송스럽습니다..
다음달은 다시 배포 사이클을 맞추기위해 4월1일결제는 패스하고
한달반으로 맞춰서 다시 원래 배포일로 배포할수있도록 가져오겠습니다
부족한 저를 항상 도움주셔서 감사합니다..ㅠㅠ

Hello everyone, it's kidmo!
I'm really trying my best to make things perfect but it just won't do..
In my mind I want to make no mistakes but I feel like I'm keep giving excuses, I'm so sory.. ;3;
I'm suppose to distribute everything but I feel like I haven't done my due..
Next month To fix the distribution cycle again, we'll pass on April 1st subscription and
come back on the next month to be on normal schedule again.
As always, thank you so much for supporting me, everyone.. ;3;
Published: 2021-03
안녕하세요 Kidmo입니다!
한번 같은캐릭터로 두개를 이어그려봤는데 생각보다 반응이 정말좋아서 흐믓합니당 ㅎㅎ
다음달도 후속편컨셉과 새로운컨셉을 조금 섞어서해볼것같아요!
사실 이번달은 컨디션이 조금 안좋아서 피곤한데다 작업파일을 두번이나 날려먹어서 후반작업물들이 조금아쉽네요 ㅠㅠ
11월은 컨디션관리하고 백업해두면서 더욱더 좋은 퀄리티로 보답하겠습니다!
이번달도 항상 감사드리며 피드백은 언제나 환영입니다!

Kidmo Patreon Reward 2019 10
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/rZpFr
Discount Code : qhvc1sf

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/TWXmfyu.jpg

Hello everyone, it's Kidmo!
I tried out a consecutive series with just one character and it had such great feedback! I feel so happy fufu
For next month I'll try out a mix between the concept from the sequel and new ideas!
I am rather sad that we lost some quality  for later works as I've lost the save file twice and my condition wasn't that great ;3;
For November I'll try to manage my health better and make more backups frequently to bring better quality!
As always, thanks for supporting me this month and feedbacks are always welcomed!
Published: 2019-11
안녕하세요 kidmo입니다ㅎㅎ
방금 5월달보상 전부 업데이트 끝냈습니다!
너무 늦어져서 죄송합니다 ;ㅅ;
늦음에도 불구하고 기다려주시고 이해해주셔서 너무 감사드립니다ㅠㅠ
5월달에 만화컷이 특히 양이 많다보니 다그리고 애니메이팅하고 사운드 들어가고하는데 시간이 너무 오래걸렸네요..
최대한 완벽하게 업로드하려다보니 수정하고 덧그릴고 하다보니 시간이 더걸린것같아요 너무 죄송합니다..
최대한 보완하고 업데이트했지만 혹시 제가 빼먹은게 있다면 언제든지 말씀주시면 바로 고치도록 하겠습니다!
항상 감사드리며 이번달도 좋은 그림들로 보답드리도록 노력하겠습니다 ㅎㅎ 감사합니다!

Kidmo Patreon Reward 2020 05
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/eVWhO
Discount Code : h08mc7m

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/TWXmfyu.jpg

Hello everyone it's kidmo
May fi al update's finished!
I'm so sorry that it was so late ;3;
But thank you so much for understanding and waiting for us ;3;
May's comic work turned out to be a ton of work to do and required much effort to animate it and put sound to it, it took way too much time....
I tried to perfect everything by constant editing and drawing over things, that didn't help on finishing things up too. I'm so sorry..
I tried to make sure everything's all there but if there's something missing please tell me so I could fix it!
As always, thank you so much, everyone. I'll try my best for this month as well. Thank you!
Published: 2020-06
안녕하세요 Kidmo입니다
아직 부족한게 한참이나많은 저에게 후원해주셔서 감사합니다 T^T
여러분들의 피드백을 최대한 수용하며 차차 성장해 나가겠습니다!

Hello it's Kidmo.
Even though I still lack skills. I feel very humbled from your support. T^T
I'll try to improve bit by bit and take in feedback from everyone as much as possible!

Published: 2019-05