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[This post is related to our 2nd big announcement for 2023, showcasing the new art style coming to MA in the coming months. If you missed that big announcement post, you can check it out in full below! Tons of art previews included!]

We'll assume you read our announcement post above as we go through today's preview! :P

Our preview today focuses on Rosa! She's one of Nova's close friends at the academy and often tries to keep Allie in check while looking up to Nova as a goal to strive for in herself.

We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback if you have stuff to share! ^^ Otherwise, let's jump into it!

(Images will be within the post, but it would be best to view them through the gallery feature at the start of this post, as you can enlarge those images.)

~Artist Credits: Lisa

Starting off with Rosa's comparison from the old style into the new style! The big areas of difference will be her head/face, eyes and you'll notice a difference in the body shading. Her head size has been slightly increased to be in line with other characters, in this comparison it might look a bit goofy to some.. ^^" But I assure you, side by side with the updated characters so far, it'll look fine in-game. :P

Both sprites above are using the exact same expressions, trying to paint a fair comparison for how Rosa has transformed into the new style. There wasn't any major notes for how to handle Rosa in the new style, just simply wanted to keep her  personality intact for how she presents herself.

Here we have her expressions to expect in-game! :P We did cut down on about 3 original expressions that felt meh for Rosa, but in their place we put in "worried extra" and "horny", along with making sure some of her previous expressions have been touched up to feel more fitting to her personality.

Aaand Rosa's additional outfits in this preview! :O I figured splitting these into their own post would be annoying, so with sharing how Rosa looks in the new style.. I thought, why not share these in this as a bigger post even just a tiny bit. :P

New underwear coming soon for Rosa! Her taste in underwear is pretty interesting. On the left we have a more lacy underwear set and on the right a ruffled colorful set! Pretty interesting choices for a sporty girl like herself.

Lastly, new outfits! On the left, we finally have a casual outfit for Rosa! ^^ It really gives a bit more insight to Rosa, where Nova and Allie seem to prefer more sporty or less girly choices in how they dress up. Rosa seems to embrace dresses by the looks of it, but with a hint of trying not to come across as someone to take lightly.

The outfit on the right is actually Rosa's unlockable outfit! ^^ Similar to our Allie preview, players will have a way in-game to unlock this outfit and see Rosa in it. The outfit itself is supposed to be a wrestling outfit to capture her high school days back when she was doing wrestling, but.. It would seem however she got her hands on this outfit.. It clearly isn't the same kind of wrestling uniform she remembers wearing back in high school. ^^" (There is also a diaper variant that'll be seen in-game too.)

With that, it ends our preview! Once again, we'd love to hear your thoughts on Rosa! 



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