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So, I've mentioned and hinted at someone else taking up the mantle as our engine/programmer in my place so that I could focus more on purely writing and management of the team.

Well, it might not come to much shock to some of you. But our very own editor Uncle Artie is going to be tackling both editing and engine work! ^^

In case you might not know Uncle Artie too well, he does have his own patreon. >>Here<<

Uncle has been around on the team since the very beginning, as they first started out as our writer/editor over a year ago. They're someone I can personally trust to ensure they'll be able to handle MA's engine work, while also caring about the work put into the project.

He's been working on his own game project called "My Catgirl Maid thinks she runs the place". Which if you like cat girls by any means, I highly suggest you at least check it out sometime. He does such an amazing job handling the game's story, characters and overall has been a big help in even how I try to write, of course with my own personal touches. But if you like MA's world & character building, I assure you'll love his game if not more.

He's getting closer to the final chapters in his game and I believe he has some extra content planned after the 12 chapters are complete. Either way, if interested. You can try out the first 7 chapters free of charge, with chapter 8 coming out within the next few days/week.

(Little extra: I realized that regardless, I'd need to have someone else handle engine work for me before the end of this year, as things have been way too much for me to handle on my own between writing, management and engine. Let alone adding in hours from my job and I can admit, recently I vaguely know what personal free time looks like sadly. I have no doubt in my mind with Uncle Artie handling the engine work, please be sure to show him your love. He's a great guy and works just as hard as I do if not more.)

CG art related

Moving on from the engine work announcement... Some of you might've caught on that the new CG art during October seems a bit different than before?

Well, with a lot of thought put into it based on how things were heading. I had to make the tough decision that sadly Ecjhonny would've needed help if we were to shoot for 4-5+ cg scenes per month.

So with that in mind, I looked around for another cg artist to test out and make sure they have a strong dedication outlook on their turnaround times, their view on the project and much more. I came across MarxeDP who is one of a two person friend duo group that make commissions together.

MarxeDP handles the color phase purely, while his friend does the drawing before hand. This also proved to be very helpful in their speedy process to, as his friend could get one commission done on it's drawing phase and pass it along for coloring. Then we could get him to begin drawing on another commission so that there's no downtime in a sense.

Either way, we gave them a test commission before October which was the Miki trips scene and needless to say I was impressed. Not only with the quick turnaround time, but also just how well down the scene looked and honestly the only minor gripes I had to mention was to do with the diaper visuals. Even then, after clearing up the direction on how they should visually look like and I mean they were very minor clearing up details. It gave us the finished look.

Now back to Ecjhonny, with the above in mind and also the pricing costs from MarxeDP. We came to another issue, where I knew that the original plan on having additional help on cg art wasn't going to work out now. If I split the scenes between them, it'd be hard to do because of their price differences and over all, it came down to having to decide.

We let Ecjhonny go on good terms and we're still very much in touch, will chat from time to time and check in. We appreciate the scenes he did, the idol one did turn out very very awesome! It just didn't seem like things would work out for the long term and we've been made aware that MarxeDP and his friend both draw/color as their real source of income.

They're aware that they'll be signed on and doing art for us for over the next year and are aware of the rough 50-60 scenes needed just for the base game alone. Let alone additional if funding allows for it as we reach those points in the future during 2021+

With that said, please do share your love with Ecjhonny over on his DA page >>Here<< He does amazing art pieces and I love seeing the new stuff he posts there. Quite a unique, beautiful style he pulls off that I haven't quite seen before. ^^

As for our new cg artist MarxeDP and his friend, please welcome them to the team and you can check out their work over on their DA page >>Here<< I have no doubt, they'll be able to handle the task at hand for delivering the art needed for MA. We weren't actually going to see any new cg art begin until November, but I decided to take what funding was left from October and put it towards the 4 completed scenes we've seen shared during October.


We're just getting some last minute stuff figured out to wrap up 2020, before we head into 2021 together as a strong team delivering on our monthly releases.

2021 is going to be a major year as we'll see MA transform much like it did from the end of 2019 to now in it's assets and awesome work from everyone who's taken part in contributing to the project.

The main difference between late 2019 to now progress, vs late 2020 to end of 2021 will be that we're looking at the big hitter assets tackled and quality added to the game, polishing of things slowly but surely.

-CG art being a big asset to see unfold it's major progress.

-Splash art screens and small art polishing of the game to give it a professional more finished look.

-Possibly additional music tracks requested very little by little. (more general easy going background tracks, comedy style moment tracks, etc.)

-Continued progress of the episode format on writing/engine work, which takes the existing content from the game and expands, fixes and adjusts, boosts the writing quality and look of everything.


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