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I don't really like making updates when there's no a lot to say; I'd rather come bearing some actual things to be interested in than popping around saying "Oh, sorry, there is no news about Helixftr today."

So I'm glad to announce that there is some news for Helixftr today!

If you've been in the patreon discord, you're probably already aware of them- but I've been trying to gather my mojo for 2D animation back with a simpler bird character! So, lemme introduce e'm here.

This is Harrien!

Harrien's a quick, feisty character that'll keep up the offense on Helix. By default, they don't really want to eat him- you'll have to do some persuading to make this feathery foe get a taste for kobold!

I'd say they're something like, halfway done or so?

Here's a look at their roadmap, and how far they've come along so far:

Green means done, black means planned, and orange is in progress.

...ok, so maybe "Simple" has gone out the window already- but I'm keeping the workload relatively easy on myself and not going too ham or too crazy with it. There's an issue I keep running into with characters that slows animating down significantly, and I'm doing my best to avoid it at all possible with Harrien here.


On the 3D front, I got the Blender thing out of my system I think, for a little bit. I really needed a chance to try art on a different front for a bit- turns out, working in one medium and on one subject for nearly a decade drives you a bit mad after a while. I'm not done with Blender by any means- and I hope you've enjoyed what I've made lately with it- but it's something I need a lot, lot, lot more practice and learning with still.

===Other Stuff===

Originally I was supposed to have a whole new computer built by now; I've got most of it sitting downstairs, mostly assembled, but an integral part I need was the wrong size so there's been a bit of a setback. I was kind of holding off on creative things for a while since I didn't want to have to deal with transferring more than I needed to, but since the new build date will probably be the 12th I've got some time to work with.

Also, since it's been a fair while since I last released a sort of pre-packaged Helixftr update, I'm going to go ahead and make a second post after this containing that. Just to make sure everything's up to date, and al that.

As always, thank you all for your support. I couldn't keep doing this without y'all- I'm hoping I can be better about regular content and character updates this year, but as always, no promises. I'm awful at using Patreon and I hate actually using this site, but I really need to be more open about what's going on.

Thanks again. Hope you enjoy the birb. <3



The stuff you've created in blender gives me big 'holy shit, well done my dude' energy. It takes most people years of study and practice to reach the capabilities you're already at. Like, you're not pinching any of those vertices by mistake, you haven't left any open seams, clipping is kept to a minimum, and that all shows after you've boned the models, and set up kinematics - rigging is tough work in and of itself. I sometimes have nightmares about weighting vertices properly, only to have the model explode when you try to test it because a value was off somewhere, and now you've gotta find it - , and then finally getting to animating. No one takes to 3D work this fast if they're not enjoying themselves, and I am super happy to see that you have been enjoying yourself. I might *guess* at which part of the whole process is your favourite, but it bears asking and reflecting on, now that you feel like you've gotten it out of your system; what have you enjoyed most, in the 3D space, so far?