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An update on the Patreon situation. Cancellations from the previous month are going to be removed tonight. The total of Patrons will then be around 775 -800 (which is actually a growth of about 100 from last month, but now will look like a drop due to the strange counting system that doesn't reflect the current number of supporters at any given time).   

Sorry if this drop causes confusion to any of you just remember it's because of a change in the counting system to include people who cancel until the end of the month. This disproportionately affects highly active Patreon accouts such as ours here at Migaku that have a lot of people joining and leaving each month.



I don’t think any of your patrons actually care about the number of other patrons tbh.


We thought it a good idea to make clear what impact the changes had.


Agree with Thomas, just keep doing what you do!


relax man nobody looks at the numbers lol.


We thought it better to clearly communicate with current supporters about this change the first month it occurred.