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We're happy to announce the launch of the first version of the Migaku Website!

You can visit it here:

About the Site
There were a few delays in implementing all of the features we hoped to have at release. Most of them are nearly ready to go but we've decided to postpone their release so that we might have the time to give them a little bit more of the love and nourishment they deserve 😃.  

You can expect new regular feature and content releases on the site from this week out. In fact we're hoping to fix all typos, and grammatical issues in the existing content, and have the remaining add-on guides finished and released by as early as next weekend.

We would love to hear your honest feedback about the website, and have set up the #website-feeback channel for this on the Discord server, so be sure to tell us what you think and where we can improve.

We've also added an option for the Migaku Website to our Support Ticket Form, so please let us know about any bugs, typos, grammatical errors, or any other issues you run across using that form.

A Message and a Thank You
Expect rapid and constant change this year with Migaku. We have huge plans for the Migaku website and you will be seeing regular updates to the site from this moment forward. We have a few major updates for the website planned for February alone, not to mention the upcoming release of a completely new software project that we're really excited about.

In fact we think this new project is likely to be one of, if not the most helpful project we've ever released. You can expect to see that project sometime before the end of February. Thanks so much to all of our supporters. We really can't believe how many of you there already are, and are humbled by your belief in us and in our work at Migaku.

Thank you so much,
The Migaku Team


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