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Hello everyone thanks every single of you for supporting me on September month! thanks to you i can eat this month.

Last month few people were telling me they want to see more nudes and less clothes. if you want to suggest anything for this month please comment in this post.

I know many many of you alredy requested a lot of characters that i haven't do but i always try to do the most requested ones. for example last month Io was the most requested and also Carnival Ying.

I'm also saving money to buy a render machine so this way i'll be able to do more requests and maybe do Render commissions in the future. (not animations commissions)



Always love some thicc thigh'd Furia 👌👌👌😤


I'd like to see more Maeve and Io <3


A good balance between nude and clothes is the best in my opinion. But in the end you should do what you like the best.


Love to see some more tiddy


Evie could use some more love


Moji and Pepper could use some love