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Sam sam



I thought that lexifer's rap was pretty bad tbh. At first, I thought I heard it wrong or something. I'm no expert, but that rap was embarrassing to see and hear lol. I completely agree with David's 1/10 score. Honestly, I'd give it a zero

Megan Wall

Honestly gun still being the leader makes sense because none of the other members of the club would be good apart from sound. Now I think the better option would be to have them both as leaders because then they can talk about what needs doing and they kind of do have a partner (friendship) thing going on anyway because gun would’ve never had this band doing anything without sound being added here. They would’ve still been slacking off and not doing anything right. But now he actually gets them to practice when they need to and also lets them goof off at times when sound wasn’t letting them. So they definitely need a mix of them both. In my opinion anyway. With sound and win as well, sound didn’t even care about win slacking off but win still doesn’t like sound which was so funny to me. But then they actually were looking friendly in the song section because they hugged. Also the fact all these guys that are singing can sing and they can play the instruments they have, it is awesome. A lot of the times in these types of shows they get people who aren’t that good and just fake how they play the instruments. Knowing these guys could be a proper band is pretty cool actually.


Omg y’all, I was all blushing and giggling when you mentioned me. Thank you so much and I was actually gushing with my friends on twitter about it. And that made more people wanna watch too. I’ll keep promoting NSD because unlike other reactors who just talk about their cuteness, you two analyze the cast and the situations they’re in and get to the bottom of it and I really enjoy how y’all immerse yourselves in it. Once again, thank you and it’s okay for you guys to read this on your own since I tend to write a lot. The boys are still teenagers and multitasking takes time and effort so I feel like that’s why it’s hard to think of their career and do what they love because in an Asian country like Thailand, parents often tend to have the final say in their children’s decisions. Even in my country—Sri Lanka—the parents get to decide where their kids will end up and mostly I feel like that’s because they think that we’re not mature enough to take life changing decisions all by ourselves. But, it also could mean that they want us to do something that they couldn’t do. Also, even I didn’t expect the drama, which is supposedly all cute and adorable and musical to go deep on the plotlines. It started with the reality check at first when they boys had to make a decision about their careers. And then Gun’s mom sudden blackout. I don’t wanna spoil anything but this isn’t the only time MSP becomes angsty and calls over deeper plotlines. It’s not necessarily drama, but more like a reality check. There is a sub element here where it’s shown that most kids’ parents don’t like them playing music: Gun’s mom’s parents, Por’s mom—which was resolved once he talked about it—and Tinn’s mom—which we haven’t delved into yet. This episode also shows how life keeps pulling people into their bottoms. First, Gun was upset about his friends hesitating about Hot Wave (which is a real music competition in Thailand, btw) and thinking about their careers and how to please their parents. And when Tinn was finally able to pull him out of his funk, his mom crashed—literally. And that brought Gun to light about his financial situation and that got him thinking about what he should really do in life. The unpaid bills (and that little nod at Gun being able to count the bills since in ep 3 Por pointed out that Gun was so dumb that his mom didn’t let him handle the cash register but he started learning and now he’s good at it, which is kinda cute) added more stress to his already stressed mind and made him think that music wasn’t everything. It’s good that Gun got to think of it but it was so harsh on him. And to add to it, the little happiness he got from performing at the GMM auditions were too short and pulled him back to the funk again. You can sense how when walking home from the audition with Tinn, he was barely holding on. When he keeps saying “next year, let’s see” you can hear how he’s holding back a sob. Maybe that’s why when Tinn grabbed him from getting hit by the motorcycle, he just let everything go and sobbed away. It made me teary when Gun, who’s always a bundle of pure joy, just crumpled and cried like that. He has been holding back too much. And Tinn, always the selfless savior, was there for him. This is the moment I felt like no matter what ups and downs life was throwing at Gun, Tinn will always, always will be there to hold him and comfort him. He’s so understanding and is such a safe place for Gun. He was ready to carry him and run around too. Also, fun fact, Gemini (Tinn) revealed that during the crying-hug scene, Fourth (Gun) actually cried because he was tired and wanted to go home after a long day of filming. Fourth wanted to keep it a secret but Gemini is so chaotic. Lol. Win (Winny) is actually a rapper and he has some really good music. And yes, Gun’s mom is actually a singer in real life. Her name is Pijika and you should check out some of her music. She has an amazing and emotional voice. And this song is one of my favorite songs too. My favorite songs are on episode 9 and 12. They’re so breathtaking. But this song is top in my list too. Also, at the end verse, you can hear Fourth’s emotional voice and it’s so top tier. Fourth is probably my favorite singer among the cast but Gemini rivals him so well. Together however, they’re amazing. Next episode is the extra scene. I won’t say what it is, but ep 6 is one of THE best episodes and has an extra scene too so make sure to keep watching. I think that it might come before the preview but I’m not sure. I watched it on YouTube. Anyway, thank you for this wonderful reaction. You two are my favorite reactors out there. Keep being awesome!

Sam sam

this summed up the episode so well ❀‍đŸ©č