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*taps you on the shoulder from behind* The first round results are in!! The finalists are... YOR! MIDNA! And in a close fight for third..... BLACK CAT!

The top 2 characters from this round will receive ANIMATIONS! Comment below if you'd like to split your votes amongst multiple choices!

And remember that any $10+ tiers that didn't suggest a character have an extra vote, that's 3 votes total for BIG FISHES and 4 for FEAR LIZARDS! This includes any BIG FISH who suggested a character but didn't make it into the poll!

Poll ends tomorrow at 9pm EST!



All Black Cat!


Black Cat is waifu tease


I’ve been away for a few days, was it ever stated which form of Midna it will feature or is that a surprise? Either way I’d like to put all my votes on Midna. All 3 options would make for great winners though!




Feel like Yor’s gotta vore, just for the pleasing word play.


lil sad Ghislaine didn't make it but I'll settle for Yor