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*loudly pulls up in a sports car that's missing one of it's windows* we're back baby... you know how this all works! through the power of democracy, help me decide who to animate next!!

The top 3 characters from this round will move onto the FINALS! Comment below if you'd like to split your votes amongst multiple choices!

And remember that any $10+ tiers that didn't suggest a character have an extra vote, that's 3 votes total for BIG FISHES and 4 for FEAR LIZARDS! This includes any BIG FISH who suggested a character but didn't make it into the poll!

Poll ends tomorrow at 9pm EST!



All for Midna


ghislaine tho 😵


Mm cupcakes for Caitlyn tho…


I know Eunie won't win but I gotta vote for her

Black Lion

Let's Go Yamato


Let's go for Arcane.


midna connoisseurs we must gather


All my votes for Black Cat from Marvel, please ^^ It's a pity that Pr. Sava didn't make it :/ Maybe she will have better luck during the August stream ;)

Kenton Siddorn

oh quite interesting to see black cat win I thought she might of lost but hopefully we see a nice vore pic or gif there’s not enough for her