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This announcement is pretty hard to me to finish it. It takes me more time to think about it so...


Because of the accident I had told in Announcement 1. Anrick is unable to create adult content recently at least in 2023 cycle. He will be drawing serial comic for all age as his Plan A reward instead.

就像我在第一个通知所说的那样。Anrick爆浆鱿鱼的作画内容在短期内也无法包含成人内容,至少在2023年的周期内,爆浆鱿鱼的Plan A奖励内容将会以清水向的漫画形式进行连载发布。

We had settled two themes about the comic content (which all the member thinks the main topic is also fancy enough to compare with the adult illustrations). There is part of theme which belongs to New-in tier reward before. So I need to adjustment the reward and remake a new one for this tier.

目前的题材已经确认(且工作室成员对于漫画的内容表示了极大的认可),该份题材中亦包括了我原本打算作为New in新晋会员的奖励的内容,所以后续New in的奖励内容我仍然需要进行进一步的调整。

But with the accident I mentioned before, Anrick is now in a bad emotional problem and also mentally break down recently. We are afraid he might can’t make it this month or even next. After discussing with all the member and Anrick, if he is unable to hold himself together, our studio will arrange Shiro or Masayoshi to finish the reward of Plan A tier with their new work. The work they make here will be totally different from the reward in Plan B tier nor Veteran Fan tier.

但由于前面提及的意外,爆浆鱿鱼在近期内的情绪及精神状况也许无法完成我们的月制奖励任务。经过我们工作室内部的讨论后,如果爆浆鱿鱼无法正常完成当月的作画内容的话,我们将会安排Shiro或富坚正义来完成Plan A的奖励内容。这部分奖励跟Plan B的奖励内容或Veteran Fan的奖励内容完全不同。

To the supporters in Plan A tier and friends. We sincerely giving our great apology. We hope you will also enjoy the work which is creating by Shiro or Masayoshi. I grantee that the Plan A tier is always belongs to our dear friend Anrick. He only needs more time to recover his mental health. He is here for everyone. And we truly believe that he will bring his new work back to you in a near future.

对于Plan A目前的订阅粉丝,我们向你们表达我们最诚挚的歉意,希望你们也能喜欢Shiro或富坚正义为你们所作的奖励内容。我们的Plan A订阅条目永远属于我们的好朋友爆浆鱿鱼,只是他现在还需要更多的时间来恢复他的健康状况。他并没有离开大家,他也将在不远的未来,给大家带来他全新的作品内容。

Thanks for all your support.




Oh no 😥 Get well soon Anrick!