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Like the announcement I make in last post. We had found a new artist, Shiro, to taking in charge of our Plan B tier since the beginning of March.

像我在上一通告说的那样。我们在月初就开始找寻未来接替Plan B订阅条目的新成员Shiro

For keeping safe and avoiding more accident. I can’t give you his social media directly like usual. If you are interested in him, you might need to search though Weibo or Twitter by yourselves.


Shiro is in charge of our Plan B tier. He is major in short-term comic and serial comic. After discussing with him about his content in reward, he is more hoping to alternate update his serial content (so that he can agile draw some single chapter, short-term comic which he will have more fun with).

Shiro将在未来负责我们的Plan B订阅条目。他主要的作画内容将以单章短篇漫画及连载漫画为主。在与他对奖励内容进行讨论后,他更希望可以自由交替性的更新他的漫画内容(即除去本作连载内容外,偶尔穿插一些他自己想更新的单章短篇的作画内容)。

About his Free pack will be sent in around 25th-26th in our Patreon page. And I hope all the fans and supporters will enjoy it.

关于他的Free Pack免费奖励将于近期25-26号在我们的Patreon页面发布,也请各位订阅者们敬请期待。

You need to be aware that we only provide the comic in Chinese only. And it will be monthly update as Shiro’s reward since April. The free sample is for all the supporters and fans to view Shiro’s personal style.


I had updated the Patreon page tiers list already. And further update around our index description will be finished in days.


The third announcement will be post tomorrow.



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