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Later spotlight this week as I got my booster vaccine, slept all Monday and have been playing catchup since. As will always be the case, this artist has been supported on Patreon and all art shown is available for free viewing online.


About: Not much known about this artist save for their work, which is exceptional.

Known for: Great Undertale/Delatarune content and  thicc asses. DesertKaiju (DK) also produces a lot of girlyboy and crossdressing content. DK is equally talented at drawing all genders, and has something for everyone in their content. If you've seen some amazing Asriel or Ralsei character drawings floating around, odds are good that they were produced by DK

Patreon Content: Sketches, WIPs & Alternate versions of artwork. Patron-only Discord server is coming soon (preemptive link in their bio).




That's my jam right there 😍