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Herm Domination takes it by a hair. If you voted for one of the other options don't despair- they were both popular so I'll revisit them.

Assets are 80% compiled. ETA mid October, but hopefully sooner. I have a lot of really good ideas for this one, so it shouldn't take long at all to write and prepare. I do however want to try some new stuff on the visual side, so depending on how that goes my estimation is two weeks.

The good news is that now the channel has spun up a bit, I'm going to try to dedicate more time to creating content for you all. This could mean faster video turnover, time spent learning new effects or maybe some extra mini-episodes. All good news for you, my viewer :)

As always, have a wonderful week and I'll check in soon to let you know when I have a firm release date for the new vid.

Lots of Love <3


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