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Hellao. Slight majority voted for the pdf so here it is. Again, the changes aren't exactly substantial so if you don't mind jumping into it again without remembering the details, prolly fine, it's not very plotty, like all the things I do.

If you voted for 5 chapters at a time, you can also read the story on RR, I updated the 21 available chapters there with the edited stuff so if you get hooked there, might be easier to jump into the pdf after. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/47017/infrasound-berserker

I'll upload chapter 38 after this post as well.

Cheers, and thanks for being here. I appreciate the nice comments on the poll as well.



gj on the cleanup; it reads better than I remember and is more immersive. Maybe I'm just in the right mood for it, idk! I didn't do a word by word check vs the draft, but I'm not getting distracted by awkward wording or grammar issues. I'm only thru the first few pages so far but wanted to say the end result looks great so far!


Heightened hearing levels up to level 2 both on page 151 and page 161.


You never mentioned vigor attribute again after class description. Up until now I've never read past chapter 5. I like it! I'm glad you released as much as you did because it didn't pick up for me until all the 2nd class and class evolution stuff. Magic is key. I like how the system offers magic and have an idea that if you want would be easy :) taser! If she stuns say 10 goblins before killing them she could unlock a lightning support class. Burning everything down in a fight is bad but stunning everything in a fight is good! Also I'm glad your not over relying on the military and guns a 9mm would be useless against a lvl 30 Kate. Just some thoughts! Have fun and I'll keep reading!


Also an idea about combat.... She and the group are wasting her class, The true beauty of her class, lifesteal. There is no need for her to finish every engagement severally wounded. They go in and instead of killing all the one shooters in the first second while at full health and stamina, incapacitate them. Leave them as health potions for after the big guy. She is at what close to 15% life steal at this point. That's just wasteful! If the 2nd tier happens to be an overheal for short periods tho then it also solves this issue:) anyways just some ideas! Also can she pls have a pet! Maybe Celeste gets one? Would be an awesome class!


Just binged this story, I’m hoping for more!

Chad Hagner

Great start, I'm really enjoying how dark and horror filled this feels. Very different from your last work, just don't fall into the city building trope a lot of apocalypse stories turn into. This smaller survival group feels a lot better. Keep up the good work!