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This is the automated message to thank you. I won't act like this is a personal note to you... David.

Hey it was worth a shot right?

But seriously it's fucking cool that you chose to support my writing. You'll support my consumption of chocolate and iced coffee, which is something I appreciate dearly. Do shoot me a message on Royalroad or on here if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions.

Thank you for being a patron.

Added: 2023-10
This is the automated message to thank you.

I won't act like this is a personal note to you...David. Hey it was worth a shot right? But seriously it's fucking cool that you chose to support me for the creation of this story. You'll support my consumption of chocolate and ice coffee, which is something I appreciate dearly. Do shoot me a message on Royalroad if you have any questions, complaints or suggestions.

Thank you for being a patron.
Added: 2023-01