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While on a mission down on Old Earth, you hear a voice calling out behind you…




I am quite interested in learning more about this world(s) they live in. Old Earth implies that they've colonized more planets? Designer babies... are most people bred artificially? I desire moar lore!


The lore has been moar-ed! Background-- In the distant future, there is an ideological split between two main groups on Earth: humans who love and believe in the old way of life and their planet, and humans who have become jaded with earthly life and seek something better. The latter group builds a giant, scientifically-advanced space habitat above Earth and call it their new home (New Earth). The people of Old Earth think New Earth citizens are arrogant and condescending, and New Earth citizens think the Old Earth people are uncouth and stuck in their ways. Despite political contracts between the two groups, some Old Earth people openly 'wage war' and make it difficult for New Earth citizens to take resources from Old Earth to bring up to the new habitat. There are campaigns happening (the twins are part of this) where they send youth down to 'convert' the Old Earth citizens. It's considered inhumane to just blast the Old Earth citizens to kingdom come, so they are trying the soft approach first :V. Babies: gametes are artificially modified in vitro as desired genes are inserted. Much disease is prevented as a result, but they still can't solve the fertility problem~ They grow the babies in the