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Title: Courting the Lady Marion [Tiefling x Listener][Fantasy-Steampunk][Soft-spoken]

The Lady Marion is a magical tiefling scholar who has become obsessed with the idea of immortality.

As such, she has secluded herself from the world and acquired a steam-powered water vessel with which she travels the seas. The vessel also has mechanical legs so it can move over land when required.

You were romantically involved with Lady Marion years ago but left her to pursue questing. However, after much soul searching, you have decided that Marion is *The One* and nobody else will do.

And so, you are faced with a challenge: how do you convince her to give up her pursuit of living forever, and live a mortal life with you instead? You've thought about immortality, but it just isn't your cup of tea (or whiskey).

You track Marion down after much effort, and find that she is currently docked at a nearby port. You also find out that she loves and collects all sorts of timepieces and repairs them (watches, clocks, and hourglasses), so you purchase a rare, spell-powered grandfather clock, purposely break it by removing some parts, strap it onto a cart, and bring it to her so she can fix it.

To your surprise and delight, she is happy to see you. She states that she has missed you, and takes you on a short trip out to sea. You catch up while she repairs your grandfather clock, and you convince her to come and live with you instead...

Sounds in the audio: Water, steam power, spells, clock parts

Brainstorm and submit ideas for ANY of the following:

> It's going to take a lot of convincing to get Marion to give up her pursuit of immortality. What reasoning, objects, and promises do you give her to get her to stay with you? They do not necessarily have to be grandiose; it could be something she is sentimental about.

> What made you realise that Marion was "the one?"

> Additional background and descriptions about Marion or yourself (character)

> Small fun things or Easter eggs that could appear in the audio

> Things you talk about other than her obsession with becoming immortal

Form closes: 13th November, 2022

~I will add as many ideas as I can reasonably fit into the final audio~

💛Infinite love and appreciation to you all💛





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