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Hello magical beings <3

This month's poll is now up!

You can vote for more than one topic~

[A] Famous Actress x Shakespearian-trained Actor

You are an actor, and are auditioning for the new action film “Ninja Kittai – Lights! Camera! Action, USA!” The female lead, Uchiyama Otome (playing Ninja Kittai herself), has taken the director’s place in casting her co-star for the film. She wishes to find the perfect co-star for herself. After asking you several riveting questions, she appears satisfied and requests a short performance from you, which involves you and her reading a part of the film script. The potential chemistry between you is explosive, and she sends you away with a huge endorsement and her phone number…

[B] Boss Dullahan x Listener

You have died, unaccomplished, working in customer service for most of your living years. Wanting to have a more fulfilling afterlife, you decide to apply for one of the most coveted jobs in afterlife land: a place in the Styx brigade, a job that involves bringing lost souls to the underworld. The woman interviewing you is a Dullahan. She was slain in the 1400s and tries to come off as a “severe boss with a severed head,” but her good and caring nature is quite easy to see through. She interviews you and tests your combat, and introduces you to the facilities.

[C] Demon Hunter Trainer x Demon Hunter Listener

You knock on the door of a Demon Hunter Agency and find Kovlar Virzorwyn, a retired demon hunter, perusing a number of files behind her desk. She says that she has been expecting you. She starts asking you about your past experiences and specific accomplishments regarding demons you’ve hunted, and she seems to be impressed. You then ask her a few questions, and deduce that this is not the real Ms. Virzorwyn but a demon impostor. You finish her off, and afterwards the real Kovlar Virzorwyn offers you the job immediately.

[D] Shapeshifting Dragoness x Kobolds

Three kobolds in a trench coat pose as a human named Hugh Mann to interview for a position at a jewellery store. The interviewer is the shapeshifting dragoness Joana Nogard, who seeks to discretely sell her vast hoard in exchange for human currency so she can buy tasties and other treats. She does this by setting up jewellery stores and hiring competent workers to man her shops. Despite it being clear that the kobolds are blatantly not a disfigured human wearing a mask, she hires them. The kobolds go back and celebrate, but little do they know that Joana is aware of the discrimination kobolds face so she decides to give them a chance.

[E] Madame Violett the Vampiress x Listener

In a steampunk world, a feisty gunner (you) is welcomed into the guest area of Madame Violett’s home. She has invited you over as she wishes to interview you as a potential candidate for a couple of new jobs. She does not just want any gunner, she wants one whose silence can be bought and one who specialises in vampire toxins. You happen to fulfil that criteria. Her plan is to fake the deaths of several of her relatives, and she wants you to participate in her scheme.

🌸🌸🌸🌸Thank you for voting!!!🌸🌸🌸🌸

Peace and gratitude 🍃

Cadence x



The three kobolds killed me...


Ladies and Gentlemen, once again we have yet another neck and neck situation, now between a Shop owner who's Secretly a Shapeshifting Dragon and her Cute Kobold Cohort versus the Vicious Vampiress Violet and her Gutsy Gunner Guest.