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Title of Audio: Maid to Serve - Getting You Ready for Sleep

Ambience: Light music, crackling fire


(This is set at the same All Hallows' Eve party as the Púca audio). 

After a very busy night of dancing and meeting with all sorts of characters, you decide that it wouldn't be a good idea for you to travel home through the forest in the dark. 

You're in luck - the hosts have made preparations for guests who wish to stay the night. 

A castle maid takes you upstairs to a spacious bedroom with a four poster bed, and speaks to you for a while before preparing you for sleep. 

Brainstorm (any one, or all of the following): 

- Personality suggestions for the maid

- What does she speak with you about?

- How does she prepare you for bed? 

- Any additional ideas

Submissions close: 14th of October, 0:00 Pacific Time. 

For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous. I will choose some of the submitted ideas and put them into the audio.

Love ya xx!!!

>Click here to access the form< 



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