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Hey guys!

Welcome to the Halloween Competition! 

This competition is open to the residents of Canada, the U.S.A, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and SE Asia. 

There will be 2 winners. Each person gets 1x orange origami dragon and 1x black origami dragon (pictured). These are about 6.5cm in length. 

You have to be willing to provide a name and mailing address if you win. The mail takes about 2-4 weeks to get to you (from the mailing date).

To enter, answer the question: 

If you could turn into a creature on Halloween night, which creature would you become, and why? 

All valid entries will be put into the draw. 

Competition close date: 9th of October, 0:00 Pacific Time

Winner announced on Patreon: 10th of October

Love ya ❤️!!!

>Click here to enter the draw< 




LOL I submitted my answer as a comment as if the CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE DRAW link wasn't clear enough x[


Lolol 100 points to Gryffindor for the enthusiasm though &gt;:P It's ok, had it been a comment I woulda entered you anyway &lt;3