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Hello hello there again with another update!

Right off the bat we'd like to remind you that we had a patreon break in July, so this upcoming August art pack will contain full coverage of the last two months worth of output, because although we were on a break that doesn't mean we weren't working on some other fun things in the meantime ;> 

This is also a reminder that the voiced Patreon animation projects got stretched to two months completion time, so this Justice animation you have voted on will be completed in September, we will share the WIP files for her in this months content pack.

Instead, during the skip months like that we have other bonus animations prepared to fill the gap, and to kick things off Kuki had worked on a little animation loop featuring our girls~

Would you like to see voting on the bonus simpler animations like that in the future as well? Let us know, because the next "skip" month without the voiced project will be Spooktober, and we wanted to do some fun spooky things related to that :3

And as always, we urge you to please check back on our community discord often, because this is where you're able to see all that and more on a regular basis. Please shoot us a DM of you're not a member yet and if you have any trouble joining!

PS. In case anything is unclear please check out our FAQ as well!

Take care everyone and see you with another update very soon! ❤❤❤


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