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Hello everyone, how are you holding up!

We have returned from the last of our summer vacation trips for now, and we're very pleased to share some exciting previews with you~

While we were away, we have received the test prints for our upcoming bonus free print for you, please take a look for yourselves. And please keep in mind this is not the final product but rather just a quality test, the actual print will be something else (perhaps we gonna have a couple different prints for you to choose from if things work out as planned)

We'd also like to remind you that we've reached the voiced animation goal, and with the first winner being Justice from Helltaker, she will take two months to be completed taking into consideration the extra work that will need to be had, so please expect her in the September art pack with full voice-over!

BUT that doesn't mean that there will be no animation project this month; Kuki and I have agreed that in place of the main animation project that will happen every two months, we will be adding a smaller project in between, and Kuki is already getting done with that smaller Live2D loop, previews of which you'll be able to see on our Discord very soon~

That as well as previews for certain upcoming vtuber models~

So as always, we urge you to please check back on our community discord often, because this is where you're able to see all that and more on a regular basis. Please shoot us a DM of you're not a member yet and if you have any trouble joining!

PS. In case anything is unclear please check out our FAQ as well! 

Take care everyone and see you with another update very soon! ❤❤❤


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