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In 2024 we're gonna trial a brand new podcast where we take the problems you have submitted to us and try our best to solve them on air! Whether this be in the form of relationship advice, trouble at your day job or drag advice we will try our best to answer your questions with a delicate balance of genuine care mixed with a dash of our usual sarcasm and self deprecating humour. This podcast will be publicly available and not a Patreon exclusive!

Each episode will have a general theme but we're currently looking for submissions covering a wide range of topics! We will then sort through and decide which submissions might have legs for us to discuss in this podcast and start to organise any common themes together.

Please keep topics fairly light - although we will ultimately be trying to give genuine advice we don't want to be discussing topics that are particularly traumatic or dark.

As our take on an agony aunt style podcast, our working title is "Absolute Agony!" If you think you have a better title however please drop it in the comments below for our consideration 👀

We're looking for enough material for a trial of 5 episodes and initially we are only opening up submissions to YOU, our Patrons! If this podcast doesn't completely flop we will consider opening up to the general public for future episodes. Please let us know if you would prefer to remain anonymous and we can use a pseudonym for yourself should we discuss your submission.

Please send your submissions to novympia@gmail.com with the subject header "Absolute Agony" and look out for news of the show release during the top end of 2024!




I cannot wait for this 😆


I love when Nova chooses violence . This is going to be category unmitigated disaster and I SHIT YOU NOT - am so excited for it !!!!!!

