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The Enfield haunting or Enfield poltergeist was a purported case of supernatural phenomena that occurred at an address in Enfield, London between 1977 and 1979. Single mother Peggy and her young daughters Janet and Margaret claimed to be disturbed by loud noises, objects violently thrown across rooms, levitations and furniture which would move on its own. As hauntings go, there aren't many as famous or controversial as this one and certainly not in the UK. The inspiration for The Conjuring 2, there are certainly disturbing elements to this story but it's now widely accepted to have been a hoax perpetrated by the kids.

Strange But True Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0yOAIXrpH4&t=

Google Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/place/284+Green+St,+Enfield+EN3+7LR/@51.6551472,-0.0354377,3a,22.8y,346.7h,85.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIKT7l73uAehUOlPUi62JNg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x48761fa4cce7dad1:0x998265a010f70633!8m2!3d51.6552903!4d-0.0354994

Janet Levitating Photos: https://www.google.com/search?q=enfield+haunting+photos&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB902GB903&sxsrf=ALiCzsaJqHhdlfZbuYEirMEt00IbsYr-jg:1665247899042&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiF2fDri9H6AhWBQEEAHfyGC28Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1440&bih=711&dpr=2




I love this one, I Would recommend this doc for further viewing - https://youtu.be/Pvraq3KfP6w I have been fascinated by this case for years, and although I ur on the side of it being a hoax I do find the possession and the voice of Bill very compelling. Some of the characters in this story are well dodgy especially Gross who I think defo exploited the situation for his own gain. I also feel like there is some some deeper family secret or trauma at play here, and the phenomenon was a reaction to that. The way the sisters behave in interviews seems to hint at more hidden secrets…Thanks for all the amazing spooky content it’s really got me in the halloween mood! Xxx

Liam Fearon

lovely pod this week, I think the case of the enfield haunting iras always interested me because of most of it being utter bullshit in sort of the same way that most haunted has always interested me. Went to Thorpe Park for fright nights last week and was mostly utter bullshit but hearing your views on the Saw Alive maze a few weeks back made me remember this - saw alive is basically built on a boat - it’s like a barge thing (idk what you actually call it) and it still stands today, but the reason they don’t use it anymore is because it is sinking, with all of the saw stuff still in there. So all i can think about is someone coming across it in like over a hundred years time and unearthing it and being like what the actual fuck is this? idk just thought it was funny. Anyways lots of love in this lovely month of October doll xx


I'll admit that I'm a die-hard atheist so I tend to dismiss these things, but this one does take the cake. It's a shame paranormal stuff attracts so much fakery, as I find a lot of the historical cases- like highgate cemetery and batchelor's grove- very interesting, but all the documentaries and programs on them tend to just be a load of americans flailing around. I do have to wonder what goes through the minds of people who hoax supernatural things, especially since so many of them get caught out. Do they think they can outsmart everyone, or do they just get caught up in the lie? I once lied about being a musician (i play the violin occasionally) and the stress almost ended me. Best of luck with all your editing and any reshoots doll, I hope you manage to keep the stress to a minimum!


Long time listener, first time commenter ! Can I just say I absolutely cacked myself when you said you were coming to my home town of Chester for Eurovision - hope to see you girls about ! In terms of ghosts, whilst myself and my mother have both seen shadowy figures in the hallway, always just dismissing it as a family member at first, until we find said family member in a different room, I still remain sceptical as I'm not really religious or spiritual. As for the Enfield Haunting, it does just seem a bit too easy to explain away - especially with all the other cack the girls just caked on. The idea of them jumping off the bed and the mother taking a few pictures had me giggling on the bus. That being said, that audio clip of the the supposed ghost's croaky voice is nonetheless extremely creepy, and maybe even more so due to the childlike and nonchalant explanation of "his" own death. Children are always quite creepy and death in general can be quite scary too, and the idea that after death you may be aware of how, when, and where you died is an unsettling thought


You reference „Bedknobs and Broomsticks“ so much and now that I heard the sad news about dear Angela Lansbury I felt compelled to write. This movie is fairly unknown in Germany but my granny had it taped on VHS from television and it was my favorite childhood movie. In German the title is „Die tollkühne Hexe in ihrem fliegenden Bett“ which means „The daredevil witch in her flying bed“ in English. They cut out a lot in the German version which is an interesting detail… It would mean the world to me and maybe to you aswell to honor this legend with a podcast episode! What do you think? PS: I‘m curious how you will pronounce the German title^^ Your German pronounciation is always quite well :) Hugs and Kisses from Germany!


Damnit, Janet, those pictures are disappointing. I thought maybe she was going to be floating on her back, but it’s obvious she was jumping. It’s crazy how far the adults allowed it to go. I think people are so desperate for answers about what happens after you die that they’re willing to accept something terrifying, even if it’s fake.


I have always wanted to know, would Novympia ever be down to do a paranormal investigation? I would LOVE to see an Novympia Real Haunting 😂 I am so excited for Hoax! It looks great already. 👽👽👽

Chris Goff

I’m in Chester 😯 see you 2023!


I live not too far outside of Chester and visit the town frequently. Could believe it when Lymp said that!


Long time listener, first time commenter here (bit late to this one). I have no idea if that voice was real but holy shit Janet, that gave me the willies!


Gorgeous épisode mum, Ketosis-induced indigestion and all! And thank you girls for all you’ve been doing to keep us entertained of late! I can’t even imagine the amount of thought and work that it pacifically entails. Top notch as always, it doesn’t go unnoticed ♥️. As for the haunting, I do quite like the way the case was adapted for the conjuring 2, but was unaware of many of the details of the real story which make it pretty evident that it was just some kids looking for some attention and anarchy which I, for one, love.


Oh Christ on a bicycle those photos are embarrassing 🙈


Great episode dear Lymp'. I personally think the whole thing was a sham. One thing that irks me is Janet speaking as Bill. If you die, and if you have a way of telling someone how you died...how would you know what happened? You could say you had a terrible headache or a severe pain your chest, how would you know you had a brain haemorrhage? You'd be dead? In the words of CoCo Peru "that bothers me" . Love to you all. Cannot wait for Hoax xxx