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It's a very strange feeling to finally be presented with something you've wanted for the best part of 3 decades. For many of us, Hocus Pocus informs an annual Halloween tradition so the fact that they even considered a sequel is very ballsy. Nova and I watched it the moment it was released to Disney+ and while we were mostly pleased with it, we raised a few issues which led to the conclusion that the filmmakers were basically charged with an impossible task.

I pretty much dissect the whole film so obv, spoilers ahead.




I liked it! It was fun seeing the really young Sanderson Sisters, especially Winnifred. The Walgreen's scene was clever and most of the cast did a good job. I hated the candy apple bit. It was dumb and it went on forever. I'm going to pretend that the American Dental Association paid Disney for fruit product placement during Halloween. I can't think of any other sequels separated by thirty years, but I heard that Sister Act 3 is in the works, which would be such a coincidence since Kathy Najimy is in that, too.


Thora Birch was unable to do it due to scheduling I loved the film overall but I didn't like the younger audience pandering stuff


I have to admit, I didn't have high hopes for this movie from seeing the trailers but mostly seeing the cheap looking costumes. It looked like it had no budget and was going to be nothing but a recreation of the same beats as the original movie. But after watching it 3 times now and seeing its flaws... I actually quite enjoyed it. Good: Whilst there were throwbacks to the original, it was still very much it's own thing. It was funny, I quite liked the young lead (even though I can't remember the other girls name either) and I appreciate that it expanded the lore. I agree that the ending was pretty emotional, I know some didn't like the 'redemption arc' but it felt like it fit, especially given the opening of the movie. I think what helped was Bette's performance. I genuinely felt sad for Winnie. Bad: I didn't even think about it but you are absolutely right about the bizarre candy apple plot. Why not have the mayor doing mayor shit like opening the festival or giving a speech? I felt that part of the movie was a bit of a lull and didn't make much sense. They can't find the mayor so they use the audience, who are too slow at finding him, so lets separate, leave the audience behind but who find the mayor in the end but without the witches? They clearly just wanted to get a musical number in there but I don't think it worked.


As someone who was born on Halloween, I grew up watching and loving all things spooky, so Hocus Pocus and Nightmare Before Christmas were always my top two go-tos. I actually went in with 0 expectations for the new Hocus Pocus movie because I’ve come to realize that anytime a reboot or late sequel/prequel comes out there has to be a certain balance to satiate a whole new generation (or sometimes even 2) and I just appreciate that the stories can continue to be told to a whole new generation of kids. And sometimes I find myself over analyzing things like this so I sometimes have to step back and appreciate it for what it is. Nothing will ever be the same in regards to the things we grew up with, and even like you’ve said in the past sometimes watching things from our childhood kind of ruins things for us because we built it up as one thing only to see it differently as an adult. That being said, I’m absolutely titillated for this years spooky season with my favorite gerls on the Internet. I couldn’t ask for a better birthday present than the feature length spooky Novympia original premiere, in addition to all the other content slated for the month. It’s like I get little warm cozy gifts all month!! 😍

Sabrina Spunkman

Without fail, I always think you're going to say "Welcome to Full of It/Full of Shit, YOUR toothy-treat". I enjoyed Hocus Pocus 2 overall, but I absolutely did not understand the sideplot with the caramel apples. I thought they were going to be bewitched. Sadly it turns out that, much like communism, they were a red herring.


I went in not expecting much and absolutely loved it. I would love to see a spin off with young Sanderson sisters! I think it helps watching it with someone less cynical to remakes and sequels and just enjoying the ride. My new boyfriend (of 8 months) always points out the positives in movies like "I like how they did that" or "did you notice when..." and gets fully invested. I've got a new love for watching movies thanks to him. He also fully enjoys and appreciates your podcasts and vids. Shout out to Louis! 😂 Sorry I'm a bit loved up at the moment, dunno what's going on with me.


It was a fun ride and I think it works in the way that it largely respects the original while not trying to imitate it. However, I found the ending rather jarring though. I feel like the film as a whole skirted around showing the Sanderson sisters doing evil things, like what they did to Emily and Binx in the original film, so that the heartfelt ending could feel more justified. They’re not exactly the charmed ones.


Listening to this as I dye my beard for the umpteenth time. I've only seen the original once (at a Uni party where I was too drunk to stand) but I found the sequel to be an acceptable Halloween romp. Best of luck with all your spooky endeavors this month, I cannae wait to watch! ps: I've recently listened to the Ghostwatch episode, and have convinced my friends to watch it with me. Apparently one of them watched it live as a small child, and is still traumatized to this day!


The broomies were the best bit of the whole film


Also justice for slutty sarah


I just finished Hocus Pocus 2 last night, and I did not care for it much at all. It was so sanitized “cutesy” commercialized or just cringe. Also Sarah and Billy’s characters were so drastically different. It felt like Billy was doing a weird Keith Richards impression. Also the sets were shit and the costume/2010s make up for the Salem wood witch was so bizarre and anachronistic. A lot of it just looked cheap like it was a Halloweentown sequel. Thankfully, it’s what I expected, so I couldn’t be disappointed.


“This is a solo podcast do you understand me?” 😂😂😂