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I feel like I'm ultimately not that bothered by Stranger Things. I have perhaps, a love/hate relationship with it. Maybe it's because it was pitched to me as a show about a missing kid (obvious getter for me) but then it slowly emerged as more of a Lovecraft sci-fi thing. I'm not going to get into many plot points in this pod but I suppose I want to break down exactly what it is that makes 80s pop culture so astronomically popular.




No idea who Iris Apfel is but do her, I’d love to learn about her and I would live for Lymp in Edna Mode-esque drag.


Do iris! Have zero knowledge about her but you make everything funny so doesn’t really matter to me. And if you’d have fun making it we’d all have fun watching it! Also I really enjoyed the most recent season of Stranger Things after struggling through season 3 but, Christ on a bike, I can’t with these film length episodes! 2.5 hours for a finale of a penultimate season just seems a bit much to me!


Wierd parody suggestion:You and chi with a c do 8 out of 10 cats does countdown does supermarket sweep


As someone who has never watched stranger things - never deliberately I just never bothered and I tend to avoid shows that are hyped up because I’m often disappointed even if they turn out to be great. But I think references layered into shows are fantastic whether based on a time period or internal references within the show. Doctor who does this a lot and references loads of stuff within its universe and I love it it’s like a little reward for fans who see them and it’s been great seeing photos of the next season being filmed where you can see little references for fans to enjoy! Loving the pods as always they are always nice to put on when I’m playing video games or just having a lazy day me and my boyfriend both enjoy listening to them and you both in general! Love you both xx


I never love my time with Stranger Things but Ive watched every season regardless. I don’t like kids, I don’t like bikes, and I don’t understand the adoration for the 80’s - bad hair, bad clothes, height of corporate greed and corruption and some of the most hideous interior decorating. However, I do love horror films so I show up for the references and great special effects. Just finished the newest season and I couldn’t be more exasperated. The fact that they won’t say gay is nauseating. It doesn’t have to be a huge plot point but for fuck sake just say it. I adored the use of Running Up That Hill but if I have to watch 11 scream or cry while holding out her arm one more time so help me god. I also just can’t relate to a tight group of friends growing up. Fuck right off. Give me a show about a queer loner in the woods fending off supernatural homophobes and I’ll be there. All that said, will I watch the next season? Most likely. Great pod sugar, always love having you accompany me while I keep house and commute to work :)


When stranger things first came out I avoided it like the plague. It wasn’t until I was on a mid-semester break from uni that I caved and watched the first two seasons. I initially had, like, a love/hate thing going on with it, but after season 3 I was fully on board. Although it was a bit weird to watch kids who had been through hell, nearly dying and all that, who then continue to just go out, stay away from home for days on end. My mum would 100% have locked me up like Harry Potter under the stairs, but hey, it was the 80’s I guess. There is something about the Will Byers character that I relate to. Not because I was once taken to an upside down world or anything, but because as a kid who went through some traumatic ish myself, I related to his story throughout after he was rescued. And SPOILER ALERT Will’s development in the newest series is also relatable if they are going with the “Will is gay” thing.


Love the pods!!! I also hated the new Jurassic world movie and can you do a pod about Jurassic park/world movies?


i looooooooved the honest vocal coach parody !!! i love your disney vlogs, would you guys ever consider doing vlogs of UK parks, like thorpe park or even the infamous blackpool pleasure beach ?


such a treat to listen to on my 18th birthday! loved the honest vocal coach parody. i recently got my best friend abbie onto you guys! she’s my biggest fan in drag so i had to recommend you both! she’s obsessed with bart being the crazy cat lady she is and i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s going to join the cult soon!


You had me howling with laughter over the leg warmers. They were one of the worst 80's 'fashion statements'. They do have a purpose. Dancers, especially ballet dancers, wear them to keep their leg muscles warm to prevent injuries and to prevent muscle cramps after stretching. There were a couple of films at the time, most notably Flashdance (filmed in Pittsburgh, shout out to my hometown!), which showed the main character wearing them while dancing. They became a fad rather than the utilitarian item they were meant to be. I refused to wear leg warmers or the other trend of wearing a shirt off one shoulder which came from the same movie. I had a friend who wore them with everything. Even over jeans and in the summer with 30+°c heat ffs! I could go on and on about the faux pas of 80's fashion many of which I was sadly complicit. 😅 As always, love the pod, love the parody, love you both. Xxxx