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We've had numerous requests for the recipes we used for Couples Come Dine With Me. We thought they were online somewhere officially but if they ever were they seem to have been removed now. Here are the recipes we used, along with the adjustments we made for the show!

"Queenie Zucchini"


We omitted the radicchio in our version, and substituted the hazelnuts for roasted chickpeas for the show due to a nut allergy. We'd recommend keeping the hazelnuts if you can - they're much tastier.

"Mushroom Wellington Realness"


The only adjustment we made to this was using real eggs in our egg wash and pastry. We served with a side of sautéed potatoes and roasted carrots.

"Glamazon Pie"


Our version used vegetarian marshmallows, and we substituted both the creme de menthe and the creme de cacao for absinthe.

Hope that helps those that were wondering!



I make cooking potatoes look good


I read Creme de menthe as Bombe de menthe.


I'm looking forward to trying the mushroom wellington