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As a companion piece to tonight's episode of Full Of It and to fully immerse ourselves in the spooky season, I present a reading of Henry James' 1898 horror novella The Turn of the Screw. It's a dense, Victorian yarn and as such gets wordy af in a lot of places, but the atmospheric build should keep us all engrossed in this classic ghost story. 

This work has inspired many adaptations over the years but most recently was the basis for the Netflix miniseries The Haunting of Bly Manor. Available to all patrons - grab a hot bev and enjoy the crackling fire and whistle of the wind. 🎃




OMGGGGGG - this is such an amazing idea!!!


I love this!


Thank you THANK YOU Thank you. I've been looking for an audio version of this for ages but the narrators got on my tits.... 😃


Giving it a spin now - thank you!


One of my favourite novels read by one of my favourite people with a soothing voice and a charming accent. What more could one possibly want? 🥰 Thank you so much and I really, REALLY hope this would become a thing. Like once a month or something? Hm? Please? 🥺 All right then, love ya, cheers! 💙


Wow you read that perfectly!.. And you say you don't like to read? A joy to listen too x


I absolutely adore audiobooks and this was read so perfectly. I know I’m going to be falling asleep to this many many times over. Being so addicted to Full of It though it was so odd to hear you reading things that on the podcast would have evoked a reference from you. 3hrs and no “oh my mother!” Or “cheap flights to Cancun” how did you do it haha! Loved it x


You're SO good at this! Most audiobooks annoy me cos the narration is too slow but your reading was the perfect speed. Brilliant. Thank you x


I thought maybe you'd be reading for 20 minutes or so but 3 HOURS? You're a gem!


This is wonderful. I've tried a couple of times to read this on my own and given up, but now have finally gotten through.


I’ve been intermittently listening to This over the last few days and it’s PHENOM!!! I love thisssss


just perfect!


eeee I'm excited to listen to this while I clean my flat this weekend. this story has been on my horror to-read list for yeaaars and I've just been too lazy!