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Couldn't stop thinking of Rhea so I had to draw her! I didn't end up finishing the 2nd one because I thought it lacked the 'oomph' (I drew it first and that tends to happen when I haven't warmed up) But I like how I did her legs so I figured might as well post it :D

A quick note about Emerald Dawn, I plan to release an update for it on December 22 (its 1st anniversary) Not sure if I'll be able to add the new story, just basing on my schedule right now. But I want to at least redraw the majority of CGs and add some more. I really like my drawing process right now and I want to see if I can improve Emerald Dawn's overall art.

Anyway, that's still far off, I need to focus on current stuff. When I do manage to squeeze in more time, I wanna draw Wiz too. It's been a long while since I drew her ^^ Anyway, that's all for now.  

Rhea love 💚💚💚



Sky Scavenger

WAs wondering when we'd get a new Rhea art from you, and dear God, did you deliver and then some. This looks great, and yeah, sexy as hell. Rhea in a nightgown (especially a white one) is just an image that I can't get out of my head sometimes, and you just showed exactly why that is. xD (And I'm just wondering how the hell would Byleth ever be able to get any sleep at night with Rhea sleeping in a nightgown right beside him haha). Excellent work man! You're constantly outdoing yourself, and believe me when I see that improving is something you're doing in spades. Thank you for showing some more Rhea love, I myself have a sexy comm. of Rhea (and Byleth) on the way, hoping to contribute to the Archbishop worship. And btw, don't you worry too much about how things look at the end of the deadline. It's good to impose a goal on yourself, but also don't let put you under much pressure. Art is always better when done at a steady and adequate pace, no need to rush. Again, great job, and looking forward to seeing that Emeral Dawn update in December. Keep up the good work!


Thanks Sky, appreciate the love! You're right about not rushing things, but at the same time, I need deadlines because I so easily fall to laziness without them. I'm still finding the balance; I'm making sure that I'm challenging myself but not too much that I'm overwhelmed. It's a process. Oh and Byleth doesn't sleep, he simply exhausts himself (and Rhea :P) I know I would ^^