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Sorry to disappoint again but Loki's Quick Fics is not quite ready yet.

First, here's some quick project stats:

  • Writing: 2977 words (about 100% complete)
  • CGs: 5/10 (5 finished, the others are in various WIP states)
  • BGs: 2/3
  • Sprites: 0/4 (Loki, Summoner, Anna, Sharena)
  • Scripting: 50%
  • UI, Music, SFX: 0% (least priority)

Last week, I said that I worked on this project enough and my thinking was to just release it, even unfinished, but I ultimately decided against it. I've become really attached to my little project and I want to do it justice.

There's probably sunk-cost fallacy going on here, because I'm not gonna lie, I've thought about throwing the towel and moving on. But I want to follow through my own goals that I set for myself, can't let myself run away forever.

Besides, I am genuinely having fun working on this project, especially now that I'm in the directing phase (putting things together, scripting scenes, reworking scenes) The process in itself is very challenging creatively but it's also really fun because of that. Even if I have to redo a scene or redraw stuff, I can feel myself improving in my craft. It's a great feeling. It's not a complete feeling though, because at the end of the day I want people to experience my creation.

Anyway, I missed my deadline so maybe this is just one big cope lmao But hey, at least I'm not sick! I actually feel like my body has adapted to the pressure. So with that, I'm setting a new deadline for Quick Fics on November 28. Time will tell if I can meet this deadline, but my body is ready so let's do this!

September poll Winners

I do want to stick to my schedule though, so I'm taking a quick break from Quick Fics to work on September rewards.

Here are your winners. Thank you for all the votes!

  • 1st place: Yor - Spy x Family
  • 2nd place: Enterprise - Azur Lane

Finally, here's the updated November calendar.

That's all I got for now. Hope you like the screenshots! Can't show a whole lot because I don't wanna spoil too much ^^



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